how to do min or stddev calculation on column of data not the row

  • if i make a fact of aggregationFuntion = min of a numerator and same for denominator

    then in my calculation if i just have [Measures].[PctMinNumValue] / [Measures].[PctMinDenValue]

    will it give me the min numerator and min denominator from different rows or data? and then run this calc?

    what i am looking for is a min value AFTER it runs the calc. so i see there is a MIN function i can put into this calc to have

    MIN([Measures].[PctMinNumValue] / [Measures].[PctMinDenValue])

    but I see MIN takes a {set} as the first parameter. If I put "month, yr" into that as the results would be a min value accross the months such as

    MIN( [Dim Report Periods].[Month Year], [Measures].[PctMinNumValue] / [Measures].[PctMinDenValue])

    what i am looking for is a min calculated percentage in that single month and then of course repeated for each month shown. what the above does is give me the min of the percent for the row of data.

    so esscentially i am looking for to put a {set} name in there that tells it to give me a min of the column not the row.


  • since i am wanting the min value of a calculated formula in that column i tried a dif approach for min and max.

    i added my calculation to my named query feeding into cube. I then just made a single fact using MIN as aggregatedFunction.

    I still have the problem with stddev (and median) of the column of data.

  • I found in the fact properties AggregateFunction and MeasureExpression

    can i put STDDEV into either of these fields

    my AggregateFunction only has about 12 items like min,max,count, sum, firstNonEmpty etc etc - can i add stddev to this list?

    or can i use MeasureExpression property?

    i dont see any examples anywhere on how to use MeasureExpression.


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