How to Do a Subreport?

  • Okay, first you did not give complete information in your original post, so I could only offer a solution based on what you gave. Your original post mentions nothing about owner information. You could still do the report with 1 table, but since you already have 2 here is what I would do.

    Make a second group under Batch Number for PIN, then in the group footer merge all your cells and nest your second table in the PIN group footer. If you want a separate page for each PIN select Page Break after group on the PIN group.

  • sorry jack for not giving you the complete info.........

    and thankz for giving me the lead, but i don't think i follow though but i'm gonna try and do as you said now and if i get stuck somewhere i'll consult you

  • Hi all,

    Is there a way to control the order in which subreports are run?

    For example, I have a main report with 3 subreports. Two of the three subreports must be run before the third subreport is run. I don't care about the order of those two reports as long as they run before the third report.

    I thought about nesting the third report in the other two, but since each of the other two takes up exactly half of the width of the page and the third report must span the entire width of the page, I didn't see how this would work very well.

    If someone can help me out on either count, I would really appreciate it.


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