How to display date in format of dd-MON-yyyy?

  • I have textbox for Date which displays Subscription_date field of dataset1 in format dd-mm-yyyy. Now i want this format to be done in dd-MON-yyy where MON is like JAN, FEB etc. And expression for date fields right now is

    =First(Fields!SUBSCRIPTION_DATE.Value, "DataSet1")

    However, specifying this as

    =Format(Fields!SUBSCRIPTION_DATE.Value, "dd-MON-yyyy") throws an error like expreesion can refer to field within current dataset aggregate.

    So how to write an expression with date format and dataset as well.

  • Please check this...

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), subscription_date, 106) AS [DD MON YYYY]


  • Use the dd-MMM-yyyy format string instead.

    Check this link out for other format strings

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