How to display date and time in string from datetime

  • Hi,

    My requirement is,

    I want to capture exact date and time,

    I am trying using,

    Select Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),112)

    output :- 20131203

    Above statement gives me continues string of date,

    but also want to capture time.

    Desired output,


    Time should also come,and also continuesly no space in between

  • avdhut.k (12/3/2013)


    My requirement is,

    I want to capture exact date and time,

    I am trying using,

    Select Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),112)

    output :- 20131203

    Above statement gives me continues string of date,

    but also want to capture time.

    Desired output,


    Time should also come,and also continuesly no space in between

    Why don't you just hand over a datetime datatyped column to your client application and let it handle presentation as per client settings ?

    Books online documents the convert statement quite well:

    So, if you really insist

    Select convert(char(23), getdate(), 121) as [yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss.fff]

    , replace(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(20), getdate(), 121),'-',''),' ',''), ':',''), '.','') as [yyyyMMddHHmmss]


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  • Thanks!

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