September 13, 2004 at 9:29 am
I've been using SQL2k for about 6 months now(newbie). Occasionally (once a month) while using a DTS package for auto importing new information to a table, the package itself locks because of file system issues or whatever. If it fails it will notify me with an email, but if it freezes: it of course doesn't.
Has anyone written a package or is there a 3rd party tool which will monitor if a DTS package has been running over X hours and send an email?
Any thoughts? Thanks
September 13, 2004 at 10:14 am
I have a query that runs against system tables to list all failed packages last time run. I will post it to you tomorrow as it is at home.
You can then use the results of the query as the message body of an email.
September 13, 2004 at 10:40 am
Hi Jonathan,
Does this mean that it would detect a package that was run 5 hours ago and has not yey completed?
Part of the problem I am trying to solve is that SQL Server doesn't believe it has 'failed' because it is still running (when in actuality it is frozen). If I do a select from msdb.dbo.sysjobs B for the failed jobs, its not there. But if I make a call to sp_get_composite_job_info its listed as a running job.
Does that make sense?
September 13, 2004 at 2:46 pm
This script checks for failed jobs:
use master
SET NOCOUNT ON --- speed up operation
/* Failed jobs report. This query lists the name of all jobs that failed in their last attempt: */
If exists (select name FROM msdb..sysjobs A, msdb..sysjobservers B WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id AND B.last_run_outcome = 0)
SELECT 'Failed Job/s:- ' + name FROM msdb..sysjobs A, msdb..sysjobservers B WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id AND B.last_run_outcome = 0
SELECT 'No Failed jobs'
This checks for failed dts packages:
use msdb
select as packagename, packlog.starttime as runtime
from sysdtspackagelog packlog, sysdtssteplog steplog
where packlog.lineagefull = steplog.lineagefull
and isnull(steplog.errorcode,0) <> 0
and packlog.starttime > getdate()-1
This checks for jobs still running - Got it from this site:
/* Running jobs. This procedure call is good for making sure your
Distribution or Merge agent job is still running too. */
exec msdb..sp_get_composite_job_info NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL
Hope all the above get you to where you are going!
September 13, 2004 at 3:16 pm
I'll start with this stuff and hopefully where Im going isn't where i'm at. I'll post the finished solution so that if anyone else has this issue, they won't need to spend a day or two on it.
If anyone who reads this wants to post possible solutions, feel free.
And thanks a ton, J.
September 14, 2004 at 8:08 am
We had a problem where a particular job (DTS package) had exactly this problem, where the job failed but SQL Server didn't actually fail the package, it would just keep running.
I created another DTS package that checks the run-time of another package and sends an e-mail if the package has been running for longer than a given period of time, and can optionally terminate the job if desired. The package is configurable for job name, server, and run length. It uses DMO to check run status, rather than going against SQL Server tables.
If you're interested let me know and I'll send you a copy of the package.
September 14, 2004 at 8:27 am
Below is the procedure. We use sp_sendcdosysmail for notification and i have that in the procedure. You can use your own notification process.
create procedure Job_Executing_notify @job_name varchar(30)
set @job_name = '%DB Backup Job%'
declare @job_id uniqueidentifier
declare @sid varbinary(85)
declare @sql varchar(100)
declare @sname varchar(20)
select @job_id=job_id,@sid=owner_sid from msdb.dbo.sysjobs where name like + @job_name
set @sname = suser_sname(@sid)
last_run_date INT NOT NULL,
last_run_time INT NOT NULL,
next_run_date INT NOT NULL,
next_run_time INT NOT NULL,
next_run_schedule_id INT NOT NULL,
requested_to_run INT NOT NULL, -- BOOL
request_source INT NOT NULL,
request_source_id sysname COLLATE database_default NULL,
running INT NOT NULL, -- BOOL
current_step INT NOT NULL,
current_retry_attempt INT NOT NULL,
job_state INT NOT NULL)
insert #xp_results exec master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,@sname,@job_id
if (select running from #xp_results) = 1
Do what you want here.
--set @sql = 'sp_send_cdosysmail '''','''','','',''Job Status'',''' + @job_name + ' is still executing on Server_Name'''
--exec msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job @job_name
drop table #xp_results
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