September 12, 2008 at 8:11 am
I have a package that creates a flatfile. then it begins a process with the information on the file, and at the end of the Package, the flatfile gets deleted.
If for some reason there is no information to process, the file does not create (which is fine...), however the package errors out when it trys to open the file, because it does not exist.
I need to make it, so the package does not fail... it simply ends the process.
I am thinking I need to figure our how to do 1 of two things
1. Do not delete the file at the end of the process, but delete the contents of the file, so the file always exists
2. Create an empty file if there is no information to process
I have been looking around to find out how to implement either solution but I have not been able to figure it out
Any ideas anyone?? I would really appreciate it!
September 12, 2008 at 9:37 am
I would go with option 3.
At the beginning of the process, if the file does not exist, create one.
You can create an empty file through the command line, via a script component, or by simply copying a blank "template" file from another location.
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