How to delete a record with different column values?

  • I have a table where the unique identifier is studentId.

    Now this table contains decision column

    If decision has been made, then decision=’yes’/’No’

    If decision hasn’t been made decision=’none’

    Now the tables gets appended when the decision has been made, so for a student, we get 2 rows one, with decision=’none’ and other with decision=’yes’/’No’

    I just want to delete the row for decision =’none’ when there is a yes/no decision.

    For each row there is a unique DecId.

    So for 2 rows with same emplid, we have 2 different DecId.

    How do I do that?



  • if DecId is an identity() column, can can infer that if the data was ordered by DecId, only the last record applies;

    Since this looks a lot like homework, I'll give you a general answer

    i'd use the row_number function and make sure i use the partition by statement, and order by the DecId;


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  • amar_kaur16 (5/17/2013)

    I have a table where the unique identifier is studentId.

    Now this table contains decision column

    If decision has been made, then decision=’yes’/’No’

    If decision hasn’t been made decision=’none’

    Now the tables gets appended when the decision has been made, so for a student, we get 2 rows one, with decision=’none’ and other with decision=’yes’/’No’

    I just want to delete the row for decision =’none’ when there is a yes/no decision.

    For each row there is a unique DecId.

    So for 2 rows with same emplid, we have 2 different DecId.

    How do I do that?



    Like this (untested as you didn't give us anything to work with):

    with BaseData as (



    Decision, -- ('Yes','No', or 'None' for this example)

    rn = row_number() over (partition by StudentId order by case when Decision = 'None' then 1 else 0 end asc)


    dbo.MyTable -- Don't know your table name


    delete from BaseData where rn > 1;

  • Thank You Lynn.

    It worked.

  • you can use row number with partitions to do the same

  • subhajeetsur (5/22/2013)

    you can use row number with partitions to do the same

    I think that is exactly what Lynn has suggested above.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

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