How to Datewise backup

  • i m using SQL 2008 and i just want to know ,,How i will take a database backup datewise in a same folder.

    I did using job scheduling but database file .bak is append or overwrite..

    And i want database should be backup in a single folder with the name and date...

    If some one knw ..pls help me

  • I generally use an SSIS package with the following to generate the back-up queries: -


    'BACKUP DATABASE [' + name + '] TO [' + name + '] WITH ' + CASE WHEN Datepart(dw, Getdate()) <> 2



    name + '-' + CASE WHEN Datepart(dw, Getdate()) <> 2

    THEN 'Differential'

    ELSE 'Full' END + ' Database Backup' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), Getdate(), 102) + ''', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10'

    FROM MASTER..sysdatabases

    Then a ForEach loop that executes each query.

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  • Really recommend Ola Hallengren scripts here, they cover pretty much anything you could want.

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