How to create view in Database that uses a Linked Server on the same SQL Server "contains more than the maximum number of prefixes"

  • Sorry to be such a newbie. What would be the best options here?

    The Linked Server query time even using a With Statement is 2 minutes on SQL Server Management Studio Query window.

    The objective is to compare Name fields to match new entries on either server and build a Primary Key ID lookup table.

    Then, use the two table's primary key ID to run a query and compare a field-by-field difference for Quality Assurance.

    Why I thought a SQL View to the Linked Server Table would be best:

    My Access Database uses SQL Server Native Client (DSN-Less connection) to my SQL Server 2008r2 database.

    With the new Oracle Linked Server - table(s) my goal is to join a SQL Table with the Linked Server Oracle 11g Table in a view.

    Please note: The Oracle DB is remote (across country) on a fairly slow VPN connection. A query from SSMS takes 2 minutes.

    My Database with tables and views. RegulatoryDB

    My Linked Servers includes an Oracle DB(s) with a Linked Server Views: Created a SQL Statement that successfully returns all the records

    Select (the field Names)

    FROM [NAV.RESOURCES.COM]..[NAV_DBA].[NV_VIEW] -- note this linked Server view from Oracle is Read Only

    Note: the SQL Create View - takes out the square brackets shown in the line above.

    Error Creating a View to Linked Server Table

    If I run the Select Query from RegulatoryDB, it works. Tried to create a View using this query - SQL Execution Error - The object Name contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3.

    Alternative: Since this delay prevents a near real-time view - Should a procedure to Make Table be run every hour? The total table is about 0.5 MB.

  • What a nubie! :blush: Solved creating a Veiw against the Linked Server Table



    SELECT [All the field names],


    The SSMS would remove the square brackets, this worked fine.

    OK, it still takes 2:25 min:sec to return 450,000 rows.

    That is not going to work well in a QA query against a local SQL Table with 8,000 records

    Just to return one unique ID with a Where Clause still takes 2:01 Min:Sec

    Would creating a local table from this query be a solution? What would be the best way to accomplish this?


    Have been creating views from the Oracle Linked Servers.

    Interesting -

    Trying to create View from SSMS interface failes because the editor removes the square brackests from the


    SELECT top 100 [AFE_ID]


    However, it runs great if this is in a script to create view.

    For other Newbies, I have posted a side-by-side example of what works and what doesn't work at the link above.

    Once the script is used to create a view, the view is connected to an Access 2010 using SQL Server Native Client with DSN Less scripting code, the records run much, much faster. Still a few seconds. But most of that can be attributed to a low-bandwidth VPN.

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