How to create dynamic function

  • yes structure is same for all customers

  • Alter proc [dbo].[testSp]

    @DbName nvarchar(100),

    @table nvarchar(100)



    declare @ValidCount as nvarchar

    declare @res as nvarchar(2000)

    Declare @out as nvarchar(200)

    Declare @a as nvarchar(200)

    declare @return_value as nvarchar(200)

    print @a

    -- set @ValidCount= exec [test] 'BPO', 'validated_data',output

    select dealer_name ,exec @out=[test]'BPO','validated_data',dealer_name,@out output

    from Validated_data v

    inner join dealer d on d.dealer_id=v.refDealerID

    exec sp_executesql @res

    print @res


    this query results error .. how to store a procedure returned value into another stored procedure variable....

  • Use OUTPUT parameter

  • can u send me an example and one more thing is i have to pass a field name from the original store procedure

    to the called store procedure

  • Alter proc [dbo].[testSp]

    @DbName nvarchar(100),

    @table nvarchar(100)



    declare @ValidCount as nvarchar

    declare @res as nvarchar(2000)

    Declare @out as nvarchar(200)

    Declare @a as nvarchar(200)

    declare @return_value as nvarchar(200)

    print @a

    -- set @ValidCount= exec [test] 'BPO', 'validated_data',output

    select dealer_name ,exec @out=[test]'BPO',v.validated_data,dealer_name,@out output

    from Validated_data v

    inner join dealer d on d.dealer_id=v.refDealerID

    exec sp_executesql @res

    print @res


  • poornipmca (4/25/2012)

    i have heard using indexes have lot of problems . is it so...........

    Wherever you heard that....but I am not talking about INDEXING.....I'm talking about maintaining a table as an Index.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • Here are a few links which would help you with Output parameters:

    Using a Stored Procedure with Output Parameters

    Stored Procedures - Output Parameters & Return Values

    Hope this helps.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • how to use a single user defined functions in multiple databases

  • poornipmca (4/26/2012)

    how to use a single user defined functions in multiple databases

    I think we've gone back and forth over this a few times.

    Can you tell us exactly what it is you are trying to achieve?

    If it helps, you can state the business requirements.

  • poornipmca (4/26/2012)

    how to use a single user defined functions in multiple databases

    The bottom line is this, you can't use dynamic sql in a function. Your choices are to have separate functions for each customer to access their database tables or to use stored procedures instead of functions.

    The other part of the bottom line, the database design needs to be drastically changed.

  • Lynn Pettis (4/26/2012)

    poornipmca (4/26/2012)

    how to use a single user defined functions in multiple databases

    The bottom line is this, you can't use dynamic sql in a function. Your choices are to have separate functions for each customer to access their database tables or to use stored procedures instead of functions.

    The other part of the bottom line, the database design needs to be drastically changed.

    I'd second this and all bottom lines.

    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • Robin Sasson (4/26/2012)

    Lynn Pettis (4/26/2012)

    poornipmca (4/26/2012)

    how to use a single user defined functions in multiple databases

    The bottom line is this, you can't use dynamic sql in a function. Your choices are to have separate functions for each customer to access their database tables or to use stored procedures instead of functions.

    The other part of the bottom line, the database design needs to be drastically changed.

    I'd second this and all bottom lines.

    Yep. I think this ones going to come back and bite you. Sounds to me like the Project is still in its

    design stage? Fix the design and save yourself headaches further on down the line.

  • hi

    Lynn Pettis

    Can u give example script of stored procedure which i can use instead of the dynamic functions.

  • A simple example of dynamic sql in a procedure :

    CREATE PROCEDURE DynamicSelectExample


    @Database SYSNAME = 'snafu',

    @Tablename SYSNAME = 'foobar',

    @Condition VARCHAR(50) = 'abc',

    @Schema SYSNAME = 'dbo'


    DECLARE @Command varchar(MAX)

    SET @Command = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @Database + '.' + @Schema + '.' + @Tablename +

    ' WHERE name = ''' + @Condition + ''''

    PRINT @Command

    If @Command IS NOT NULL

    EXEC sp_sqlexec @Command

    Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, since 1955.
  • Steve Cullen (4/27/2012)

    A simple example of dynamic sql in a procedure :

    CREATE PROCEDURE DynamicSelectExample


    @Database SYSNAME = 'snafu',

    @Tablename SYSNAME = 'foobar',

    @Condition VARCHAR(50) = 'abc',

    @Schema SYSNAME = 'dbo'


    DECLARE @Command varchar(MAX)

    SET @Command = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @Database + '.' + @Schema + '.' + @Tablename +

    ' WHERE name = ''' + @Condition + ''''

    PRINT @Command

    If @Command IS NOT NULL

    EXEC sp_sqlexec @Command

    Please note that this is a dangerous example and is ripe for SQL Injection as is. Please take the time to read Books Online and be sure to take a close look a sp_executesql for executing dynamic SQL code.

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