how to create a stored procedure

  • Hi all,

    This is my first post here. Hope to have answers for me.

    I am a newbie to SQL. I have to write a stored procedure for calculating rows and then inserting those values in Table called Locations. Here is what i need to do:-

    I have 5 columns A,B,C,D,E. Max length for each column is 80 feet and then i divided columns with rows. Here each cell will be 8 feet long. So logically there must be (80/8)10 rows for each column. So i can divide A column into A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10.And now i have to add these rows into Location table. Here is what I am trying to do:-

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_FillLocation


    @maxlength int,

    @length int



    declare @i int

    declare @count int

    set @count = @maxlength/@length

    while @i <= @count
    insert into Location values('A' '' +@i '',0)
    set @i = @i + 1
    It is giving me errors! And I am not sure if this approach is right or wrong. I have to add rows from A to E with the help of some loop so please can anyone help me here!

  • It's quite hard to answer your question, mainly because it's hard to understand.

    If you want a quicker answer, please provide the create table statement for Locations, some sample data and the error you are getting from your code.

    Take a look at this article, it will help you providing DDL and sample data:

    I'll be glad to help as soon as I understand your question.



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • We have a location grid here. For that We created a locations table.

    Locations table has two columns :-


    Filled (Boolean)

    Now I need to fill this Locations table with data that i have to generate from stored procedure using mathematical equation! The grid that we have has 5 rows A,B,C,D,E. Maximum length of each row is provided that is 80 feet. now I have to place carts in these rows and width of cart is 8 feet. so logically in each row say A , i can place 10 carts (80/8). So i can divide each row in 10 columns A1 to A10,b1 t0 B10 , C1 to C10 , D1 to D10, E1 to E10.

    so now Data for Locations table will be:-

    Location Filled

    A1 0

    A2 0

    and so on upto E10

    I have no experience in SQL so i tried to write following code:-

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_FillLocation


    @maxlength int,

    @length int



    declare @i int

    declare @count int

    set @count = @maxlength/@length

    set @i=1

    while @i <= @count


    insert into Location values('A' + @i ,0)

    set @i = @i + 1



    This is working fine!

    This stored procedure adds values from A1 to A10 into Locations table. I just need to know logic for adding other values i.e. B1 t0 B10 , C1 to C10 and so on

  • This should do the trick:

    ALTER PROCEDURE sp_FillLocation


    @maxlength INT,

    @length INT




    DECLARE @j-2 INT

    DECLARE @count INT

    SET @count = @maxlength / @length

    SET @j-2 = 65

    WHILE @j-2 <= 69


    SET @i = 1

    WHILE @i <= @count


    INSERT INTO Location

    VALUES (CHAR(@j) + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(2)), 0 )

    SET @i = @i + 1


    SET @j-2 = @j-2 + 1




    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thank you very much!!!! You saved me!

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