How to create a proc or view on a different database

  • Hello,

    Does anyone know how to go about creating a view on a different database (same or diff server)?  I can drop the view, but can not create it on a diff database.  Execute will not work since the CREATE needs to be the first statement (so the use clause will not work).

    The same goes for a stored procedure.  Trying to create it on a different database.

    Does anyone have any information on how to accomplish this?

    Thank you.

  • do you mean create a view in database A that queries from database B?  if they are on the same server it's easy, just use 3 part names:

    create view dbo.MyView as select blah from B.dbo.tableInB

    if they A and B are on different servers, then you need to create a linked server on serverA to serverB, and then use 4 part names:

    create view dbo.MyView as select blah from ServerB.B.dbo.tableInB


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