How to create a forgotpassword page in

  • Hi All!

    How to create a Lost Password Retrieval page in

    Using VS.NET 2003 EA

    Where can I find help?

    You know a link?


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  • Gerardo,

    I don't know the details of what kind of page you need or how to create one, but I think the ASP.NET website might be a good place to start.

    At the ASP.NET website (, you can download "Starter Kits" that can be customized to your business. You can customize them or just read the included documentation to figure out how to create the page you need. I think all the kits have a "walkthrough" to tell how to create the site.

    The starter kit that might be of interest to you is the "Community Starter Kit". This is a customizable website for creating a user community where people login and post to forums, etc. I ran the online sample and clicked Login from the main page, they have a password reminder page in the starter kit.

    Go here to download it:

    If you can't get the info you need from the starter kit, you might try posting your question on the ASP.NET forums. You could also try the forums at or you might find code at or

    Hope this helps!


  • THX

    I have the starter kits running on my localhost, I see the code for the forgot password control, but I just get

    I will search more, or I will use the VWD Express 2005 beta, that ships with new cool controls for that task!

    THX to ALL!

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