How to create a Folder with name attached with date created using Tsql

  • Hi,

    I have coded to create a folder in my system automatically suing a T-Sql.

    However, i want to name the folder along with the date it is created so that next time it creates a folder it doesnt think it is existing.

    What do i need to add in my code?

    This is my code:

    declare @cmdpath nvarchar(60), @Location nvarchar(100)

    set @Location = N'C:\yakka'

    set @cmdpath = 'MD '+ @Location

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmdpath

  • you mean you want it to create c:\yakka_11_08_2007, then the next time create c:\yakka_11_09_2007, etc.?

    The Redneck DBA

  • Yes. It should somewhat be a combination of name and the date.

    Coz the folders will be stored created periodically and stored in the same server.

    So everytime the Job creates a folder, it shouldnt create with same name.

  • Try this...(I just modified your code). You can rearrange the MM/DD/YYYY order as needed. I just typed that on the fly, so might check that all my parens match...

    Rama (11/8/2007)


    I have coded to create a folder in my system automatically suing a T-Sql.

    However, i want to name the folder along with the date it is created so that next time it creates a folder it doesnt think it is existing.

    What do i need to add in my code?

    This is my code:

    declare @cmdpath nvarchar(60), @Location nvarchar(100)

    set @Location = 'C:\yakka' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), MONTH(Getdate())) + '-'

    set @Location = @Location + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), DAY(Getdate())) + '-'

    set @Location = @Location + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), YEAR(Getdate()))

    set @cmdpath = 'MD '+ @Location

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmdpath

    The Redneck DBA

  • Hi Jason,

    it works perfect. thanks for your time & help.

    Also one more thing. Now this folder is created and i also have a script to copy files into this folder.

    I am quite stuck with how to zip this folder using a SP.

    Do you have any idea?

    My SP looks like this... 🙁 but it doesnt work...

    create proc sp_dba_ZipFile @zippedfile varchar(50),@srcfile varchar(50)

    AS Declare @cmdstr varchar(8000)

    Set @cmdstr = 'pkzipc -add '+ @zippedfile +' ' + @srcfile

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmdstr


    Exec sp_dba_zipfile 'C:\' , 'C:\yakka11-8-2007'

  • Your syntax looks OK off the top of my head. A couple of things to try:

    1) You probably will need to put the full path to the zip executable

    (i.e. "C:\Program Files\PKWARE\PKZIPC\PKZIPC.exe") or whereever it is. Note that you'll need the double quotes arround the path if there is a space in it.

    2) Are you sure the user that this is running as has the necessary permissions to all of the paths involved?

    The Redneck DBA

  • Well I will compile all the action and schedule it as a SQL Job.

    So it will be deployed in production DB. The user neednt do anything with this, as the job is going to run automatically once in every week.


  • Right...but whatever user the sqlserveragent service is running as will need appropriate permissions to the source/destination paths, and permissions to execute the zip execuatable.

    The Redneck DBA

  • Oh...

    Probly i would wanna talk this to my PL


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