How to Create a Differential Backup Job that uses date/time as file name

  • Hello all,

    I only have about 2.5 years experiance at SQL Server Administration.  I have been using Database Maintenance Plans and SQL Server Agent jobs to perform db backups & trans log backups.  It has come to my attention that a full db backup at night and 2 to 3 differential backups during the day would be more efficient than 3 full backups during a 24 hr. period. 

    However when you use the db Maintenance Plan you have the ability to select that you want to delete old backup files, say after 2 or 3 days.  I have studied the syntax that the maintenance plan places into the job and believe that I could place it into a job that performs a Differential backup, however, I don't understand how to make the differential backup job change the file name with the date time exp: diffbakup_200511160859.bak to diffbakup_200511161603.bak

    The maint. plan does this and then you can delete old files.  But when you build a job using enterprise manager, secondary click the db, all tasks, and choose db backup once you have the settings set, and choose to schedule the file name never changes.  And, it continues to grow as it appends data and you have no instruction to delete it when it ages.

    Sorry for the long story, wanted to make sure I explained myself well.  Any help will be most appreaciated!


  • You can change the backup name by using sql statements


    Backup file name concatenated with date & time as yyyymmdd_hhnnss


    DECLARE @DtTime varchar(30)

    DECLARE @FileName varchar(100)

    SET @dtTime = CONVERT(varchar(20),getdate(),112) + '_' + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(20),getdate(),120),12,10)

    SET @dtTime = REPLACE(@dtTime,':','')

    SET @FileName = 'C:\Master'  + RTRIM(@dtTime) + '.TRN'

    BACKUP DATABASE Master TO DISK = @FileName

    To delete old backups, I use ActiveX scripts using the FileSystemObject and looping through the files in the backup folder.


  • Quite a few of the backup scripts in the script library on this site do this.

  • Sample script to do differential backups of all databases databases in simple recovery mode 


    --Does a Differential back of all databases that are in Simple Recovery mode, excluding tempdb and master.


     @Database sysname,

     @File Varchar(1000),

     @Cmd Varchar(1000)

    --Get list of databases (Status & 8 = 8 equals truncate log on checkpoint, ie simple recovery)


     SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE Status & 8 = 8 and name NOT IN  ('tempdb','master') --Databases set to truncate log on checkpoint (simple recovery)

    OPEN Databases

    --Process each database

    FETCH NEXT FROM Databases INTO @Database



     --Find file name and location of last database backup and reuse the file name and path (Changes _db_ to _dif_ and sets YYYYMMDDHHMM)

     --Only retrieves files where the end of the name is numeric ie YYYYMMDDHHMM

     SELECT TOP 1 @File =


      FROM msdb.dbo.backupset S JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily M

       ON S.media_set_id = M.media_set_id

      WHERE backup_finish_date > getdate()-30       --Backups in the last 30 days

       AND type = 'D'             --Database Backup

       AND database_name = @Database        --Database from the cursor

       AND ISNUMERIC(LEFT(RIGHT(physical_device_name, 16),12)) = 1 --Where file name ends YYYYMMDDHHMM

      ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC        --Most recent backup

     --Change file name (date)

     SET @File =



       LEFT(RIGHT(@File, 16),12),






     --Change file name _db_ to _dif_

     SET @File =

      Replace(@File, '_db_', '_dif_')


     SET @Cmd = 'BACKUP DATABASE '+@Database+' TO DISK = '''+@File+''' WITH DIFFERENTIAL'

     PRINT @Cmd

     EXEC (@Cmd)

     --Get next Database

     FETCH NEXT FROM Databases INTO @Database


    CLOSE Databases

    DEALLOCATE Databases

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