how to correct the below join query to get correct results

  • select chl.GuaranteeCode GuaranteeCode , bal.GuaranteeCode as BalanceSheetGuaranteeCode

    from dbo.Guarantees chl

    left join dbo.Guarantees par on par.HyperionEntityId = chl.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join dbo.Guarantees gpar on gpar.HyperionEntityId = par.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join dbo.Guarantees ggpar on ggpar.HyperionEntityId = gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join dbo.Guarantees bal

    on ( chl.ParentHyperionEntityId = bal.ParentHyperionEntityId or

    par.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId or

    gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId OR

    ggpar.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId


    and bal.HfmCode like 'bal_%'

    where chl.HfmCode like 'PL%'

    order by 1

    Hello All,

    in above query what i am doing is get the parent or great parent or great grand parent id, the proble here is if there is no parent then get from grand parent if not then get from great grand parent

    so in the above query it is working fine it gets parent also gets grand parent also get great grand parent so could you please modify the above query i will only get one the parent is found (from low to high., i.e., if parent found then parent then leave it, if not parent found then get great parent value if no great parent then get great grand parent value etc..)

    please help me,

    Thanks in advance


  • asita (2/13/2012)

    select chl.GuaranteeCode GuaranteeCode , bal.GuaranteeCode as BalanceSheetGuaranteeCode

    from dbo.Guarantees chl

    left join dbo.Guarantees par on par.HyperionEntityId = chl.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join dbo.Guarantees gpar on gpar.HyperionEntityId = par.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join dbo.Guarantees ggpar on ggpar.HyperionEntityId = gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join dbo.Guarantees bal

    on ( chl.ParentHyperionEntityId = bal.ParentHyperionEntityId or

    par.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId or

    gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId OR

    ggpar.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId


    and bal.HfmCode like 'bal_%'

    where chl.HfmCode like 'PL%'

    order by 1

    Hello All,

    in above query what i am doing is get the parent or great parent or great grand parent id, the proble here is if there is no parent then get from grand parent if not then get from great grand parent

    so in the above query it is working fine it gets parent also gets grand parent also get great grand parent so could you please modify the above query i will only get one the parent is found (from low to high., i.e., if parent found then parent then leave it, if not parent found then get great parent value if no great parent then get great grand parent value etc..)

    please help me,

    Thanks in advance


    If the parent ID is missing, isn't the following join going to fail to produce an matches?

    left join dbo.Guarantees gpar on gpar.HyperionEntityId = par.ParentHyperionEntityId

    Similarly with the grandparent and great grandparent?

    Since you are working with a hierarchy, you should try searching on this website for working with hierarchies. There have been a number of discussions about using recursive CTEs for hierarchies.

    Another option is to change your existing join condition to the following:

    bal.ParentHyperionEntityId = CASE

    WHEN chl.ParentHyperionEntityId IS NOT NULL THEN chl.ParentHyperionEntityId

    WHEN par.ParentHyperionEntityId IS NOT NULL THEN par.ParentHyperionEntityId

    WHEN gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId IS NOT NULL THEN gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId

    ELSE ggpar.ParentHyperionEntityId



    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Hi Drew,

    Thanks a lot for your input,

    it is not working, you case statement,

    it seems to be logically correct but when sql processing it it is applying case sattement once per query execute not for every row

    case statement result and the below results are same

    select chl.HyperionCode HyperionCode , bal.HyperionCode as BalanceSheetHyperionCode

    from WorldwideBalanceReporting.dbo.HyperionEntity chl

    left join WorldwideBalanceReporting.dbo.HyperionEntity par on par.HyperionEntityId = chl.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join WorldwideBalanceReporting.dbo.HyperionEntity gpar on gpar.HyperionEntityId = par.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join WorldwideBalanceReporting.dbo.HyperionEntity ggpar on ggpar.HyperionEntityId = gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId

    left join WorldwideBalanceReporting.dbo.HyperionEntity bal

    on ( chl.ParentHyperionEntityId = bal.ParentHyperionEntityId or

    --par.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId or

    --gpar.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId OR

    --ggpar.ParentHyperionEntityId =bal.ParentHyperionEntityId


    and bal.HfmCode like 'bal_%'

    where chl.HfmCode like 'PL%'

    order by 1

    which is causing issue,

    is there anyway that we can execute it per row wise (apply case statement)

    please help me any other ideas too

    thanks again drew


  • There's not much we can do without sample data and expected results. Check out the following link: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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