How to convert or make use of the 'if' statement in SSRS Report

  • I am trying to convert a 'Powerbuilder' (or 'InfoMaker') Report to SSRS with Oracle as DB. Below is the sample query.

    SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY Person_ID) AS Row_number,

    Oracle."VW_name"."Field_L_name_1"||' '||Oracle."VW_name"."Field_L_Name_2" full_L_name,









    FROM "Oracle"."VW_name"

    WHERE Oracle."VW_name"."PERSON_ID" in ( '52', '15', '17' )


    In InfoMaker - "Header group 2" is having an 'if' statement (this is placed in a sub header group 2)

    if(Fields!Person_ID.Value="52", if(Fields!Comp_name.Value="UVW", 3, 1),

    if(contact_list_key="17", 2,

    if(contact_list_key="15", 4, 0)))

    The Header has the below 'if' statement (Organization pool is the "header group 1" which is "full_L_name" from the 'Select' query [Oracle."VW_name"."Field_L_name_1"||' '||Oracle."VW_name"."Field_L_Name_2" full_L_name]

    if(organization_pool=1, "XYZ", if(organization_pool=2, "EFG", if(organization_pool=3, "CDE", if(organization_pool=4, "PQR", "Unkown Pool"))))


    I have created a table which has just the rows (Grouped). All the rows has the 'Row Visibility' expression (RowNumber () Mod 8).....and has the table side by side as Yuliana as shown. The table 'Header' should have the values 'XYZ','EFG','CDE','PQR' (which is hardcoded in the InfoMaker) and the data starts with 'full_L_name' and has 12 more rows on side by side tables.

    I have attached a sample expected output-XYZ is System, EFG is System Continuing Offices, CDE is Two year colleges and PQR is Free colleges and universities.

    How do I convert these "if" statements and use them in SSRS??

  • If statement format for SSRS is below. In this case we are checking the value of a field in our dataset called cost.

    =iif(Fields!cost.Value >0,"True","False")

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