April 17, 2014 at 5:56 am
I have to convert nvarchar to date data type. and fetch the week number of that particular month from the column
Pls find the sample data
current_week nvarchar(30)
insert into (current_week)
select '2012-02-24 ~~ 2012-03-01' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26 ' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26 ' union all
select '2012-01-27 ~~ 2012-02-02' union all
select '2012-02-03 ~~ 2012-02-09' union all
select '2012-02-17 ~~ 2012-02-23' union all
select '2012-02-17 ~~ 2012-02-23' union all
April 17, 2014 at 6:21 am
Well, you provided DDL and sample data, but I'm not quite sure what you expect as output. Please provide expected results based on the sample data you provided.
April 17, 2014 at 6:34 am
Your INSERT query doesn't work. I fixed it like this:
insert into #mytable(current_week)
select '2012-02-24 ~~ 2012-03-01' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26 ' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26 ' union all
select '2012-01-27 ~~ 2012-02-02' union all
select '2012-02-03 ~~ 2012-02-09' union all
select '2012-02-17 ~~ 2012-02-23' union all
select '2012-02-17 ~~ 2012-02-23'
Then, taking the simplest approach, this query gets the two dates out as dates:
cast(left(current_Week, 10) as date) as 'fromdate'
, cast(right(rtrim(current_Week), 10) as date) as 'todate'
from #mytable
However, the simplest approach may not be the right approach if your data is more variable. In that case you'd want to parse the rows with charindex or patindex functions and use substring to pull out the date fields before casting them to date or datetime
April 17, 2014 at 8:29 am
Select cast(DATEPART(week, cast(Left(Ltrim(current_week), 10)as date)) as nvarchar) +'~~'+cast(DATEPART(week, cast(right(Rtrim(current_week), 10)as date))as nvarchar) as [Week Number] from #mytable
Week Number
This will show on which week the begin and end dates will fall in that calendar year. If you just need to find the week that that falls in the range of dates you provided then it will be necessary to know on what date your week actually starts. LTRIM and RTRIM will not actually be necessary if your sample did not contain SPACE. Hope this helps.
April 20, 2014 at 11:15 pm
Thanks for ur reply.
I want current_week column before fifteen days from now.
That is, getdate() - 15 days = current_week. But this column is not in date data type
so I used query mentioned by you.. but its throwing error.
select case when dateadd(DATEPART(day, cast(Left(Ltrim(current_week), 10)as date)),-15,getdate()) then 'previous week' end
from mytable
April 21, 2014 at 7:43 am
If you need to get the current_week that is 15 days before today's date then you can use this statement:
Select current_week from #mytable
where GETDATE()-15 between cast(Left(Ltrim(current_week), 10)as date) and cast(right(Rtrim(current_week), 10)as date)
To get a result back from your sample I have used (2012-01-29) 813 days before today's date. The date falls between the begin and end date of your current_week range
Select current_week from #mytable
where GETDATE()-813 between cast(Left(Ltrim(current_week), 10)as date) and cast(right(Rtrim(current_week), 10)as date)
2012-01-27 ~~ 2012-02-02
April 22, 2014 at 9:58 am
Do you need to get the week start and end dates, or the week number in the year? Have you considered the use of a calendar table? Keep in mind that when storing dates as strings, you will likely have to convert back to date to do these types of calculations. It is better to store dates in date format. But I realize you may not have had much choice in the matter.
April 22, 2014 at 11:18 pm
I want use case when statement where if the getdate is less than 15 days then fetch
'currentweek('the week's flag'.
eg : currentweek(2013-04-01 ~~ 2013-04-07).
April 22, 2014 at 11:32 pm
Also if getdate() - 8 days then Next week('2013-04-01 ~~ 2013-04-07)'
All the columns come from single table. But the values need to be fetched like next
week and currentweek.
So two conditions :if getdate()-15 days then currentweek( 'the week flag')
if getdate() - 8 days then nextweek('the week flag')
eg : currentweek(2013-04-01 ~~ 2013-04-07)
nextweek(2013-04-08 ~~ 2013 -04 - 15)
April 23, 2014 at 2:22 am
aar.mba (4/17/2014)
I have to convert nvarchar to date data type. and fetch the week number of that particular month from the columnPls find the sample data
current_week nvarchar(30)
insert into (current_week)
select '2012-02-24 ~~ 2012-03-01' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26 ' union all
select '2012-01-20 ~~ 2012-01-26 ' union all
select '2012-01-27 ~~ 2012-02-02' union all
select '2012-02-03 ~~ 2012-02-09' union all
select '2012-02-17 ~~ 2012-02-23' union all
select '2012-02-17 ~~ 2012-02-23' union all
This table bears the hallmarks of an absolute beginner and will forever be a pig to use. Can you create and use your own table instead of this silly rubbish?
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
April 23, 2014 at 3:14 am
Company wont use calendar table and I'm not authorized too.
April 23, 2014 at 7:33 am
;WITH c (current_week,fromdate,todate) AS (
SELECT current_week,CAST(LEFT(current_week,10) as date),CAST(RIGHT(current_week,10) as date)
FROM #mytable
SELECT DISTINCT c.current_week,n.current_week AS [next_week]
JOIN c n ON DATEADD(day,-8,SYSDATETIME()) BETWEEN n.fromdate and n.todate
WHERE DATEADD(day,-15,SYSDATETIME()) BETWEEN c.fromdate and c.todate
Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.
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