June 2, 2010 at 3:31 pm
Hello Sir,
With only one file in source folder, and i hard coded that file name & path in the script task, my package is complete (as below) and works fine
1) Do Clear Some Temp Tables in Sql Server (Execute Sql Task)
2) Generate a new formatted File (Script Task: from onse source file adding commas between each value then generate a new file)
3) move the source file to processed directory
4) load the newly generated file to temp table in sql server (Data flow task)
5) Move the newly generated file to SQLPROCESS folder
6) remove dupicates in temp table and update some values based on quert (using Execute Sql Task)
7) Copy the data to mail table (using Execute Sql Task)
8) Log the information to sql server table
now the trick (new change) is they can have multiple source files in the directory
if it is, then it needs to consider which one the oldest file (by file creation date) then execute all 8 steps on that file, then next old file for all steps , then next old (i think it needs to handle in step2)
for example
file1(creation date is May/25/2010 10:23:01 AM)
file2(creation date is May/24/2010 11:27:01 AM)
file3(creation date is May/25/2010 01:03:10 PM)
so in the above case it needs to consider first file2 then file 1, file 3
Please help me give me your valuable advices, please....
Thanks in advance
June 2, 2010 at 4:28 pm
just here i am adding my script task code...
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim line As String
Dim semiAt As Int64
Dim fullLine As String
Dim textFileOutput As String
Dim textFileErrOutput As String
Dim isPreviousLineIsSingleRow As Boolean
Dim ctr As Int64
Dim failCtr As Int64
Dts.Variables("InsertedRecCount").Value = ctr
Dim currentDate As Date = DateTime.Now
Dim writeFileName As String
Dim path As String = "C:\Users\asiti\Desktop\ChaseFeed SSIS INPUT\Final\Q2.TXT"
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(path)
Dim isInitialScrap As Boolean
Dim temp As String
ctr = 0
failCtr = 0
Dim fileCreateDate As Date = File.GetCreationTime(path)
Dts.Variables.Item("User::FileCreatedDate").Value = fileCreateDate
line = sr.ReadLine()
If (line Is Nothing) Then Exit Do
'End If
If (Not (line.StartsWith(""""))) Then
Continue Do
End If
If (Not (isInitialScrap)) Then
line = sr.ReadLine()
line = sr.ReadLine()
line = sr.ReadLine()
isInitialScrap = True
Continue Do
End If
semiAt = line.IndexOf(";")
'Eliminating record that is empty (no value for all columns)
If ((Len(line.Replace("""", "").Trim()) < 2) And (Len(fullLine) = 0)) Then
If (semiAt < 0) Then line = sr.ReadLine()
Continue Do
End If
If (semiAt > 0) Then
If (Len(fullLine) = 0) Then
line = Trim(line.Replace(vbCr & vbLf, "").Replace(""" """, """,""").Replace(";", ""))
line = line & vbCrLf
'ctr = ctr + 1
textFileOutput += line
fullLine += " " & line
fullLine = Trim(fullLine.Replace(vbCr & vbLf, "").Replace(""" """, """,""").Replace(";", ""))
fullLine += vbCrLf
textFileOutput += fullLine
End If
ctr = ctr + 1
isPreviousLineIsSingleRow = True
fullLine = line
End If
If (isPreviousLineIsSingleRow) Then
fullLine = ""
isPreviousLineIsSingleRow = False
End If
Loop Until line Is Nothing
writeFileName = currentDate.Now.ToString
writeFileName = writeFileName.Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-").Replace("M", "M)").Replace(" ", "(").Replace("(P", "P").Replace("(A", "A")
writeFileName = "Feed " + Trim(writeFileName) + ".txt"
Dts.Variables("DBFeedFile").Value = writeFileName
Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("C:\Users\asiti\Desktop\ChaseFeed SSIS INPUT\Final\Database Feed\" + writeFileName)
End Using
Dts.Variables("FailedRecCount").Value = failCtr
Dts.Variables("InsertedRecCount").Value = ctr
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
Catch E As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Thanks & Regards
June 2, 2010 at 10:39 pm
Could any one please share ideas......
June 3, 2010 at 8:21 am
I would possibly take the below approach..
1. using script task collect all filenames and their time stamps if not part of the fileName
2. Load into temp table and then order them based on the time stamp in Execute SQL task and Pass each as a parameter which will take each result set in the same order to the For Each Loop task or script task.. so that they are processed in order required for sure
June 3, 2010 at 8:30 am
You can also use T-SQL (some dedication needed!) to get file listings. Check out this link[/url].
I am thinking that it should be possible to send file name and creation date to a physical table which you've built for the purpose. Then just process the files in any order desired by feeding the table entries into a foreach loop.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Martin Rees
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
Stan Laurel
June 4, 2010 at 9:49 am
You can sort the files into an object variable in a Script Task, which can then be iterated through in a For Each Loop container (ADO Enumerator). Attached is a modified script that I found (can't take full credit for it) and modified to use to go through production files in order.
The main vars that you'll need to set up are an object (SortedDataFileTable), a string for the file mask with wild cards (FileMask). You'll also need a connection manager (InputDir, pointing the directory where your files are). In the script, set sortOrder (line 31) to what you need to sort on, using the DataColumn name choices in the CreateFileAttributeCols sub (Name, CreationTime, etc.)
In the Script Designer itself, add a reference to System.XML. Attached is the script itself for this scenario.
In the FEL, set it to Rows in the first table (selecting the object variable you created). For the var mappings, set a CurrentFile var on index 0.
This will assigned a file to the CurrentFile var in ascending CreationDate order.
June 7, 2010 at 5:09 am
You can use WMI Task for the same.
June 7, 2010 at 7:48 am
Here it is what i am doing
thanks to all for your best ideas......
just schedule the job for every one hour then in my script (second step ) take the oldes file (i paste the code below) then it executes the old file only
since my feed is acually once a day, so even if it is hourly check (just checks any file exist in the directory if not then dont execute the package)
so i am thinking it is a little bit ok
but here in my problem it is ok because i usually got one feed a day, if it is morethan very frequent then i need to look into something else??
if anyone has any comments please respond
but i really appreciate your all help
======================================== Code
public class Scriptmain
Public Sub Main()
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("C:\Users\asitti\Desktop\INPUT\")
Dim aryFi As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.txt")
Array.Sort(aryFi, AddressOf FileInfoComparison)
Dim fi As FileInfo
Dim dirinfo As DirectoryInfo
Dim allFiles() As FileInfo
Dim path As String = ""
'For Each fi In aryFi
' strFileSize = (Math.Round(fi.Length / 1024)).ToString()
' MsgBox("File Name: {0}" + fi.Name)
' MsgBox("File Full Name: {0}" + fi.FullName)
' MsgBox("File Size (KB): {0}" + strFileSize)
' MsgBox("File Extension: {0}" + fi.Extension)
' MsgBox("Last Accessed: {0}" + fi.LastAccessTime.ToString)
path = aryFi(0).FullName.ToString
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(path)
Dim isInitialScrap As Boolean
Dim temp As String
ctr = 0
failCtr = 0
Dim fileCreateDate As Date = File.GetCreationTime(path)
Dts.Variables.Item("User::FileCreatedDate").Value = fileCreateDate
end sub
Private Shared Function FileInfoComparison(ByVal fi1 As FileInfo, ByVal fi2 As FileInfo) As Integer
Return Date.Compare(fi1.CreationTime, fi2.CreationTime)
End Function
end class
Thanks alot
June 7, 2010 at 9:56 am
how about this
1. Use WMI Task to get latest file based on the time stamp
2. use a Data flow task to perform the operation
In case you need to process multiple files you can keep the Step 1 and 2 in a ForEach loop . Also while adding the data keep filename as the stamp for the record -- easy for you to keep a log and track the records back to a file , if needed.
3. Once the load is done copy the source file to a seperate location for audit pupose if you are not doing this by any other process.
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