How to connect to remote sql server by EM

  • I am wondering how How shud I  connect to remote sql server by EM.on my machine.

  • Under EM, right click on SQL Server Group and click on 'New SQl Server Registration'. Then you can mention the name of the remote server and connect either using Windows or SQL Server Authentication.

    You can search 'remote servers, registering' in BOL for more info.


  • Hey Aaronsandy,

    Out of curiosity, are you attempting to learn SQL at home, or are you attempting to support your company?  The reason I ask is because I have seen so many basic questions on this site and another.  If a company is paying you to support their SQL installation, they should be willing to send you to some training classes, or at the very minimum, pay for some books for you to study and use for research.  I applaud your valiant efforts and persistence, and patience in your interactions with us in the forums that I have seen you in, and I am in no way attempting to discourage your use of the forums.  Just thought a little formal training might be in order.  In any event, I wish you luck in your quest to master SQL Server!

    By the way, one of the absolute BEST books you can get on SQL Server, you already have.  As Kishore suggested, have a look at BOL (Books Online).  Should be in the Start menu under Microsoft SQL Server.


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