how to connect to other instance of sql 2000

  • Hi,

    I installed sql server 2000  evaluation version on my local machine. There is already one registered instance running on the same machine(only client connectivity). I am unable to connect to the new instance. I can see that the evaluation version is succesfully installed on the machine. What could be the reason. Please help

  • What account did you select to run your services for new instance? Is this instance installed on a domain machine? If you have selected local system account while installing sql server then you have to uninstall this instance and install it again under domain account instead of local machine.

    hope this helps.

    SQL DBA.

  • What do you mean by this:

    There is already one registered instance running on the same machine(only client connectivity).

    Do you mean that you have the client tools installed and have registered an instance that exists somewhere else? If so, then the evaluation version should be the default (unless you chose the option for a named instance).

    To register it, just use your local machine name. If it is a named instance, you have to use: localmachine\instancename.


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