how to concert nvarchart to int in case statement

  • Hi All,

    I'm not good at SQL at all (self-taught), and could use your help. I have the following query and I would like to replace the numeric value T7.SlpCode (yellow highlighted) with alphanumeric Value T9.SlpName. However, I get a conversion error, that I don't know how to correct "Coversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Name' to date type int. I would appreciate any input. I've tried CONVERT and CAST, but failed... 
    thanks so much

    SELECT distinct T0.[TransId] as 'Num', T0.[Ref1], T0.[RefDate],
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T3.[CardCode] ELSE T5.[CardCode] END) as 'BP Code',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T3.[CardName] ELSE T5.[CardName] END) as 'BP Name',
    T2.[Segment_0], T2.[AcctName], T1.[Debit]*-1+ T1.[Credit] as 'Line Total',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T4.[StateB] ELSE T6.[StateB] END) as 'Bill-To State',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T7.[SlpCode] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T4.[StateS] ELSE T6.[StateS] END) as 'Ship-To State',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T7.[U_LBSISlpName] ELSE T8.[U_LBSISlpName] END) as 'Ship-To Slp' FROM OJDT T0
    INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.[TransId] = T1.[TransId]
    INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T1.[Account] = T2.[AcctCode]
    left JOIN OINV T3 ON T0.[TransId] = T3.[TransId]
    left JOIN INV12 T4 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T4.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN INV1 T7 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T7.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN ORIN T5 ON T0.[TransId] = T5.[TransId]
    left JOIN RIN12 T6 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T6.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN RIN1 T8 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T8.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN OSLP T9 ON T3.[SlpCode] = T9.[SlpCode]
    WHERE T0.[RefDate] between [%0] and [%1] and
    T2.[Segment_0] between '40000' and '49999' and T1.[ContraAct] <> '_SYS0000000000830' and T0.[TransType] <>-3

  • dinaalesin - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:46 AM

    Hi All,

    I'm not good at SQL at all (self-taught), and could use your help. I have the following query and I would like to replace the numeric value T7.SlpCode (yellow highlighted) with alphanumeric Value T9.SlpName. However, I get a conversion error, that I don't know how to correct "Coversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Name' to date type int. I would appreciate any input. I've tried CONVERT and CAST, but failed... 
    thanks so much

    SELECT distinct T0.[TransId] as 'Num', T0.[Ref1], T0.[RefDate],
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T3.[CardCode] ELSE T5.[CardCode] END) as 'BP Code',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T3.[CardName] ELSE T5.[CardName] END) as 'BP Name',
    T2.[Segment_0], T2.[AcctName], T1.[Debit]*-1+ T1.[Credit] as 'Line Total',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T4.[StateB] ELSE T6.[StateB] END) as 'Bill-To State',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T7.[SlpCode] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T4.[StateS] ELSE T6.[StateS] END) as 'Ship-To State',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T7.[U_LBSISlpName] ELSE T8.[U_LBSISlpName] END) as 'Ship-To Slp' FROM OJDT T0
    INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.[TransId] = T1.[TransId]
    INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T1.[Account] = T2.[AcctCode]
    left JOIN OINV T3 ON T0.[TransId] = T3.[TransId]
    left JOIN INV12 T4 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T4.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN INV1 T7 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T7.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN ORIN T5 ON T0.[TransId] = T5.[TransId]
    left JOIN RIN12 T6 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T6.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN RIN1 T8 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T8.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN OSLP T9 ON T3.[SlpCode] = T9.[SlpCode]
    WHERE T0.[RefDate] between [%0] and [%1] and
    T2.[Segment_0] between '40000' and '49999' and T1.[ContraAct] <> '_SYS0000000000830' and T0.[TransType] <>-3

    Would help if posted the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the tables.  Would also help if you formatted your code to make it human readable.

  • dinaalesin - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:46 AM

    Hi All,

    I'm not good at SQL at all (self-taught), and could use your help. I have the following query and I would like to replace the numeric value T7.SlpCode (yellow highlighted) with alphanumeric Value T9.SlpName. However, I get a conversion error, that I don't know how to correct "Coversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Name' to date type int. I would appreciate any input. I've tried CONVERT and CAST, but failed... 
    thanks so much

    SELECT distinct T0.[TransId] as 'Num', T0.[Ref1], T0.[RefDate],
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T3.[CardCode] ELSE T5.[CardCode] END) as 'BP Code',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T3.[CardName] ELSE T5.[CardName] END) as 'BP Name',
    T2.[Segment_0], T2.[AcctName], T1.[Debit]*-1+ T1.[Credit] as 'Line Total',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T4.[StateB] ELSE T6.[StateB] END) as 'Bill-To State',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T7.[SlpCode] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T4.[StateS] ELSE T6.[StateS] END) as 'Ship-To State',
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T7.[U_LBSISlpName] ELSE T8.[U_LBSISlpName] END) as 'Ship-To Slp' FROM OJDT T0
    INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.[TransId] = T1.[TransId]
    INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T1.[Account] = T2.[AcctCode]
    left JOIN OINV T3 ON T0.[TransId] = T3.[TransId]
    left JOIN INV12 T4 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T4.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN INV1 T7 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T7.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN ORIN T5 ON T0.[TransId] = T5.[TransId]
    left JOIN RIN12 T6 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T6.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN RIN1 T8 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T8.[DocEntry]
    left JOIN OSLP T9 ON T3.[SlpCode] = T9.[SlpCode]
    WHERE T0.[RefDate] between [%0] and [%1] and
    T2.[Segment_0] between '40000' and '49999' and T1.[ContraAct] <> '_SYS0000000000830' and T0.[TransType] <>-3

    Use CONVERT( nvarchar(50), T7.SlpCode) or CAST( T7.SlpCode AS nvarchar(50)) replacing the length for the correct one. You're facing an implicit transaction and there's a precedence that takes place. You can check how this works in here:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • The query above works, I just need to modify it a little and show: instead of codes T7.SlpCode the actual names from table T9. 
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T9.[SlpName] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',    <= this is the part where I'm failing. CONVERT/CAST don't work
    I'm a total amateur, sorry... 🙂

  • dinaalesin - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:07 AM

    The query above works, I just need to modify it a little and show: instead of codes T7.SlpCode the actual names from table T9. 
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T9.[SlpName] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',    <= this is the part where I'm failing. CONVERT/CAST don't work
    I'm a total amateur, sorry... 🙂

    Again, at least for me, it would help to see the column definitions.

  • dinaalesin - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:07 AM

    The query above works, I just need to modify it a little and show: instead of codes T7.SlpCode the actual names from table T9. 
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T9.[SlpName] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',    <= this is the part where I'm failing. CONVERT/CAST don't work
    I'm a total amateur, sorry... 🙂

    It T9.SlpName is a string and T8.SlpCode is a numeric type, then you need to convert the numeric type into a string. All the possible results of a case expression should be using the same data type to keep the column consistent. If you don't use an explicit conversion, SQL Server will try to do an implicit conversion based on the data type precedence that I referenced before.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:20 AM

    dinaalesin - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:07 AM

    The query above works, I just need to modify it a little and show: instead of codes T7.SlpCode the actual names from table T9. 
    (CASE WHEN T0.[TransType] = 13 THEN T9.[SlpName] ELSE T8.[SlpCode] END) as 'Bill-To Slp',    <= this is the part where I'm failing. CONVERT/CAST don't work
    I'm a total amateur, sorry... 🙂

    It T9.SlpName is a string and T8.SlpCode is a numeric type, then you need to convert the numeric type into a string. All the possible results of a case expression should be using the same data type to keep the column consistent. If you don't use an explicit conversion, SQL Server will try to do an implicit conversion based on the data type precedence that I referenced before.

    Which means character strings are implicitly converted to integers.

  • In case it helps others, here is a formatted version of the original code:

        Num     = T0.TransId
    ,    T0.Ref1
    ,    T0.RefDate
    ,    [BP Code]   = (CASE
                WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN
    ,    [BP Name]   = (CASE
                WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN
    ,    T2.Segment_0
    ,    T2.AcctName
    ,    [Line Total]  = T1.Debit * -1 + T1.Credit
    ,    [Bill-To State] = (CASE
                WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN
    ,    [Bill-To Slp] = (CASE
                WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN
    ,    [Ship-To State] = (CASE
                WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN
    ,    [Ship-To Slp] = (CASE
                WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN
        OJDT T0
    INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.TransId = T1.TransId
    INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T1.Account = T2.AcctCode
    LEFT JOIN OINV T3 ON T0.TransId = T3.TransId
    LEFT JOIN INV12 T4 ON T3.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN INV1 T7 ON T3.DocEntry = T7.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN ORIN T5 ON T0.TransId = T5.TransId
    LEFT JOIN RIN12 T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN RIN1 T8 ON T5.DocEntry = T8.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN OSLP T9 ON T3.SlpCode = T9.SlpCode
        T0.RefDate BETWEEN [%0] AND [%1]
        AND T2.Segment_0 BETWEEN '40000' AND '49999'
        AND T1.ContraAct <> '_SYS0000000000830'
        AND T0.TransType <> -3;

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
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