How to compress SQL Backups

  • Hi friends.

    I make a script to do backup of my sqlserver 2000 using DMO (First, backup and the connect to network share and copy the files). Now the database backup files are very large and i need to compress using a command line "zipper" before copying. Anyone knows where can i get an utility (free) to do this?


    Thanks for the advice.

  • Hello Martin,

    You can go ahead with WinZip Command Line Support Add-On.

    Thanks and have a good day!!!



  • Thanks for help, but the Operating system administrators dont want to install the Winzip (Licence Problems...). I tried using the zip.exe file included in Oracle 9i Client, but it only works with files lower than 2 GB.

    Do u have any other idea?


    Thanks for help

  • There are plenty of free command line zippers that can be found with a simple Google query. Have a look for example at these two:


  • gzip has also a nice command line and it's just a file, so easy to use. No installation needed. I like it 🙂


  • Many thanks for help. I used gzip and works great!



  • How large are your back-up files (just curious)?  Wasn't there some thread of not compressing back-up files?  Is this a non-issue now?


  • You might consider using 3rd party backup software like SQL LiteSpeed, that will compress the backup as it gets written.  That gets you faster backup and smaller file, and you won't need to compress it after it's created.


  • Thanks, but we dont have enough budget to adquire this kind of tools. So, we used DMO to make backups with scripting and then programming the job in SQL (Thanks this website for the dmo help!) . Once finished, we use gzip to compress the backups in disks. We make some recovery test and works great, no problems in file consistency.

    For Chris, we have 60 database in the most critical server, the bigger is around 35 GB, total backup is around 120 GB.

    Thanks to all!

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