How to combine two subqueries to calculate percentage?

  • Thank you in advance for any suggestions you have.


    I need to calculate a percentage using the count of rows in subquery “X”. Since the [Percent] calculated in the SELECT statement has a subquery of its own to calculate the denominator, it doesn’t seem to recognize anything related to the X subquery.


    I need a date range for the transactions, and I’ve put the X.DateTimeStamp as one of the fields in X that I can use in the main query’s WHERE statement. The Begin and End date of the range will actually be filled in at runtime, but the SQL Grid View that I’m using can’t to put the date range into a subquery.


    How can I get the denominator of the Select [Percent] to be something like “(SELECT count(1) from X)” ?







    SELECT        isnull(FruitType,'ALL') as FruitType,

    count(1) as Pieces, avg(X.Weight) as [Avg Weight],

           [Percent] = convert(decimal(5,1),round((COUNT(*) * 100.0/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM basket WHERE ReadyToPick = 1)),2)),

           COUNT(CASE WHEN lower(X.comment) = ‘sweet' then 1 end) as [sweet],

           COUNT(CASE WHEN lower(X.comment) = ' tart' then 1 end) as [tart]


    FROM   (SELECT S.*, FAMILY, FruitType, from basket B join specifics S on B.ReadyToPick ID = S.ReadyToPickID where B. ReadyToPick = 1) X


    WHERE X.DateTimeStamp BETWEEN '08/01/05' and '09/01/05'


    ORDER BY GROUPING(FruitType), 2 desc

  • I have no way of testing this, but I did notice that DateTimeStamp, comment, and Weight are not selected within sub-select X.



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • I expect that you are bringing DateTimeStamp, comment, and Weight  from table S. One way to get denominator of the Select [Percent]  is by using temporary tables, storing the result set in it and using it all the way in the query, secondly as per my assumption you want to use the result set X in the select count(1)  of final resultset [Percent] column.


    isnull(FruitType,'ALL') as FruitType,

    count(1) as Pieces,

    avg(X.Weight) as [Avg Weight],

    [Percent] =

    convert(decimal(5,1),round((COUNT(*) * 100.0/






     from basket B

     join specifics S on B.ReadyToPick ID = S.ReadyToPickID

     where B. ReadyToPick = 1) X WHERE ReadyToPick = 1)),2)),

    COUNT(CASE WHEN lower(X.comment) = ‘sweet' then 1 end) as [sweet],

    COUNT(CASE WHEN lower(X.comment) = ' tart' then 1 end) as [tart]


    ( SELECT




     from basket B

     join specifics S on B.ReadyToPick ID = S.ReadyToPickID

     where B. ReadyToPick = 1) X

    WHERE X.DateTimeStamp BETWEEN '08/01/05' and '09/01/05'


    ORDER BY GROUPING(FruitType), 2 desc

    I think that will do.

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