how to combine 3 different select statements into one

  • Hello,

    I am creating an ssrs report for this it should have single dataset because its grouping with system name (group header) how can I combine 3 below select statements into one.

    I used left outer join and union,union all not sure why its not working?

    Any help please....

    select distinct SystemID, SystemName from dbo].[vSystemSchool]

    where schoolyear = @FiscalYear

    SELECT SystemID,ProgramID,

    CASE WHEN ProgramName='M' THEN 'L' ELSE ProgramName END AS 'ProgramName',

    AdjustmentsSequenceNo,sum(Paid) as Paid,sum(Free) as Free,sum(Reduced) as Reduced,sum(paidamount),sum(freeamount),sum(reducedamount),

    sum(paidamount)+sum(freeamount)+sum(reducedamount) as dollars

    from dbo].[vForAllSystemsForOneMonth] SCH

    where SCH.FiscalYear = @FiscalYear and SCH.ClaimMonth =@ClaimMonth

    and AdjustmentsSequenceNo=0

    GROUP BY systemID,programID,ProgramName,AdjustmentsSequenceNo

    order by AdjustmentsSequenceNo

    SELECT SystemID,ProgramID,

    CASE WHEN ProgramName='M' THEN 'L' ELSE ProgramName END AS 'ProgramName',

    sum(Paid) as Paid,sum(Free) as Free,sum(Reduced) as Reduced,IsNull(sum(paidamount),0),IsNull(sum(freeamount),0),IsNull(sum(reducedamount),0),

    isNull(sum(paidamount)+sum(freeamount)+sum(reducedamount),0) as dollars

    from [dbo].[vForAllSystemsForOneMonth] SCH

    where SCH.FiscalYear = @FiscalYear and SCH.ClaimMonth =@ClaimMonth

    and AdjustmentsSequenceNo>0

    GROUP BY systemID,programID,ProgramName

    order by systemID,ProgramID

  • Based on the information you have provided I would do this:





    CASE WHEN SCH.ProgramName = 'M' THEN 'L'

    ELSE SCH.ProgramName

    END AS 'ProgramName',


    SUM(SCH.Paid) AS Paid,

    SUM(SCH.Free) AS Free,

    SUM(SCH.Reduced) AS Reduced,




    SUM(SCH.paidamount) + SUM(freeamount) + SUM(reducedamount) AS dollars


    [dbo].[vForAllSystemsForOneMonth] SCH JOIN

    [dbo].[vSystemSchool] AS SS ON SCH.SystemID = SS.SystemID


    SCH.FiscalYear = @FiscalYear AND

    SCH.ClaimMonth = @ClaimMonth AND

    SCH.AdjustmentsSequenceNo >= 0









    Then I would let SSRS do the higher level grouping based only on SystemID, ProgramID, and ProgramName. I may be misunderstanding why queries 2 and 3 in your example are needed, but I think you can bring the data across at the granularity that you need (SystemID, ProgramID, ProgramName, AdjustmentSequenceNo) and then handle the rest using SSRS grouping and filtering.

  • Thank you for the reply tried your sql code the problem is that the amounts are varying in free column and dollars column?

    Before that in free column for particular system its shown as 414 after rewriting as per your code its showing the free column as 2898

    Not sure why amounts are varying.

  • If you post the following:

    1. Create table ... -- for all tables in the queries

    2. Insert into ... -- to populate the tables with sample data

    3. expected results

    we can take a look at it

  • mcfarlandparkway (4/30/2014)

    Thank you for the reply tried your sql code the problem is that the amounts are varying in free column and dollars column?

    Before that in free column for particular system its shown as 414 after rewriting as per your code its showing the free column as 2898

    Not sure why amounts are varying.

    I know why. I didn't include fiscalYear in the JOIN between vForAllSystemsForOneMonth and vSystemSchool. If you add that to the JOIN it should work. So it looks like you have data fro 7 fiscal years.

  • Its still not working;But I changed the stored procedure as like below

    I don't understand why I am getting error at first select statement like "error converting datatype varchar to numeric"...

    select DISTINCT SystemID,SystemName,'' as ProgramID,'' as ProgramName,'' as AdjustmentsSequenceNo,

    '' as Paid,'' as Free,'' as Reduced,'' as paidamount,'' as freeamount,'' as reducedamount,'' as dollars

    from [SchoolNutrition].[dbo].[vSystemSchool]

    where schoolyear = @FiscalYear


    SELECT SystemID,ProgramID,

    CASE WHEN ProgramName='Meal' THEN 'Lunch' ELSE ProgramName END AS 'ProgramName',

    AdjustmentsSequenceNo,sum(Paid) as Paid,sum(Free) as Free,sum(Reduced) as Reduced,sum(paidamount),sum(freeamount),sum(reducedamount),

    sum(paidamount)+sum(freeamount)+sum(reducedamount) as dollars,'' as SystemName

    from [SchoolNutrition].[dbo].[vDE107sForAllSystemsForOneMonth] SCH

    --[dbo].[vSystemSchool] AS SS ON SCH.SchoolID = SS.SchoolId

    where SCH.FiscalYear = @FiscalYear and SCH.ClaimMonth =@ClaimMonth

    and AdjustmentsSequenceNo>=0

    GROUP BY systemID,programID,ProgramName,AdjustmentsSequenceNo

    order by AdjustmentsSequenceNo,SystemID,programID

  • Based on the limited information you've provided I have no idea what you really need for output as the new query you've provided with the UNION doesn't makes sense to me from a business perspective.

    You are getting an error because '' (empty string) does not convert to numeric so wherever you have '' and it is matching to a numeric in the other part you need to use 0 or NULL. So '' as Paid need to be either 0 as Paid or NULL as Paid.

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