How to collapse a recursive query

  • Hi All,

    in the picture attached is a screenshot of a table.

    I usually query the table via software. The process starts with the IP and i get the dnsname having the ip as alias.

    (select dnsname from t where zone='Zone001' and alias='')

    Then a second iteration takes place and the query retieves the dnsname having as alias the result of the first query and zone='Zone001'.

    (select dnsname from t where zone='Zone001' and alias='w2ksrv')

    This process continues untill the query returns an empty set, then i add '.com' to the last result and check for rows having as alias the modified result and zone='Zone000'

    (select dnsname from t where zone='Zone000' and alias='std-w2ksrv'+'.com')

    As you may notice, the number of iterations span the range 1 to 4.

    I'm now having performance issues on the software and decided to delegate this iteration to sql. My idea is to create a query that, given the ip, returns the last dnsname.

    Any help is welcome

  • Please adjust either the third query or the sample data so that the third query returns a row:-

    IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#Sample') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Sample

    CREATE TABLE #Sample (RowID INT, dnsname VARCHAR(20), Alias varchar(20), Zone VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO #Sample (RowID, dnsname, Alias, Zone)

    SELECT 1, 'w2ksrv', '', 'zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'std-w2ksrv', 'w2ksrv', 'zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 'app_w2ksrv', 'std-w2ksrv', 'zone000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 'w2ksvrtst', '', 'zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, 'csm_w2ksvrtst', '', 'zone000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, 'w2k3appdb', '', 'zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, 'std-w2k3appdb', 'w2k3appdb', 'zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, 'w2k3appdbms', '', 'zone000'

    SELECT * FROM #Sample

    select dnsname from #Sample where zone='Zone001' and alias=''

    select dnsname from #Sample where zone='Zone001' and alias='w2ksrv'

    select dnsname from #Sample where zone='Zone000' and alias='std-w2ksrv'+'.com' -- no data returned

    This will give folks something to code against.

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • If you know the maximum number of iterations, you can use a series of joins as below, otherwise you'll have to use a recursive query.

    DECLARE @t TABLE(dnsname VARCHAR(30),alias VARCHAR(30),zone VARCHAR(30));

    INSERT INTO @t(dnsname,alias,zone)

    SELECT 'w2ksrv','','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'std-w2ksrv','w2ksrv','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'app_w2ksrv','','zone000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'w2ksrvtst','','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'csm_w2ksrvtst','','zone000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'w2k3appdb','','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'std-w2k3appdb','w2k3appdb','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'w2k3appdbms','','zone000';

    SELECT t1.alias,COALESCE(t3.dnsname,t2.dnsname,t1.dnsname) AS dnsname

    FROM @t t1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @t t2 ON t2.alias=t1.dnsname AND'Zone001'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @t t3 ON t3.alias=t2.dnsname+'.com' AND'Zone000'


    AND t1.alias LIKE '%.%.%.%';


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • how about a CTE?

    DECLARE @t TABLE(dnsname VARCHAR(30),alias VARCHAR(30),zone VARCHAR(30));

    INSERT INTO @t(dnsname,alias,zone)

    SELECT 'w2ksrv','','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'std-w2ksrv','w2ksrv','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'app_w2ksrv','','zone000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'w2ksrvtst','','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'csm_w2ksrvtst','','zone000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'w2k3appdb','','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'std-w2k3appdb','w2k3appdb','zone001' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'w2k3appdbms','','zone000';

    --select * from @t

    ;with cte as

    (select dnsname, alias, zone, 1 as RowNum

    from @t

    where zone='Zone001' and alias=''

    union all

    select a.dnsname, a.alias,, b.RowNum + 1

    from @t a

    join cte b

    on b.dnsname = case when CHARINDEX('.com', a.alias,1) > 0 then

    SUBSTRING(a.alias, 1, CHARINDEX('.com', a.alias,1) - 1)

    else a.alias


    select a.dnsname, a.alias,

    from cte a inner join (select max(RowNum) RowNum from cte) b

    on a.RowNum = b.RowNum

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    For better answers on performance questions, click on the following...

  • CTE re-creates the hierarchic structure. I tried this one

    WITH CTEdns AS


    select dns.dnsname, dns.alias, left(dns.alias, charindex('.', dns.alias)-1) as dns from dbo.dnsname as dns where zona=''

    union all

    select rec.dnsname, rec.alias, rec.alias as dns from dbo.dnsname as rec

    inner join CTEdns as cte on cte.dns=rec.dnsname

    ) --option (maxrecursion 5)

    select * from CTEdns

    but to no avail ๐Ÿ˜›

    anyway... i'm going to test the solution you mentioned as soon as possible.

    i have 2 ideas on my mind

    1) view

    2) sp

    both cases end up with a table/view like

    ip - last_dnsname_in_chain

    so that in my software the query woulb be as simple as

    select dnsname from whatever where ip=variable

    which one would you suggest?

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