September 8, 2010 at 3:26 am
Hi All,
in the picture attached is a screenshot of a table.
I usually query the table via software. The process starts with the IP and i get the dnsname having the ip as alias.
(select dnsname from t where zone='Zone001' and alias='')
Then a second iteration takes place and the query retieves the dnsname having as alias the result of the first query and zone='Zone001'.
(select dnsname from t where zone='Zone001' and alias='w2ksrv')
This process continues untill the query returns an empty set, then i add '.com' to the last result and check for rows having as alias the modified result and zone='Zone000'
(select dnsname from t where zone='Zone000' and alias='std-w2ksrv'+'.com')
As you may notice, the number of iterations span the range 1 to 4.
I'm now having performance issues on the software and decided to delegate this iteration to sql. My idea is to create a query that, given the ip, returns the last dnsname.
Any help is welcome
September 8, 2010 at 4:29 am
Please adjust either the third query or the sample data so that the third query returns a row:-
IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#Sample') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Sample
CREATE TABLE #Sample (RowID INT, dnsname VARCHAR(20), Alias varchar(20), Zone VARCHAR(20))
INSERT INTO #Sample (RowID, dnsname, Alias, Zone)
SELECT 1, 'w2ksrv', '', 'zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 'std-w2ksrv', 'w2ksrv', 'zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 3, 'app_w2ksrv', 'std-w2ksrv', 'zone000' UNION ALL
SELECT 4, 'w2ksvrtst', '', 'zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 5, 'csm_w2ksvrtst', '', 'zone000' UNION ALL
SELECT 6, 'w2k3appdb', '', 'zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 7, 'std-w2k3appdb', 'w2k3appdb', 'zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 8, 'w2k3appdbms', '', 'zone000'
select dnsname from #Sample where zone='Zone001' and alias=''
select dnsname from #Sample where zone='Zone001' and alias='w2ksrv'
select dnsname from #Sample where zone='Zone000' and alias='std-w2ksrv'+'.com' -- no data returned
This will give folks something to code against.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 8, 2010 at 4:39 am
If you know the maximum number of iterations, you can use a series of joins as below, otherwise you'll have to use a recursive query.
DECLARE @t TABLE(dnsname VARCHAR(30),alias VARCHAR(30),zone VARCHAR(30));
INSERT INTO @t(dnsname,alias,zone)
SELECT 'w2ksrv','','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'std-w2ksrv','w2ksrv','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'app_w2ksrv','','zone000' UNION ALL
SELECT 'w2ksrvtst','','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'csm_w2ksrvtst','','zone000' UNION ALL
SELECT 'w2k3appdb','','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'std-w2k3appdb','w2k3appdb','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'w2k3appdbms','','zone000';
SELECT t1.alias,COALESCE(t3.dnsname,t2.dnsname,t1.dnsname) AS dnsname
FROM @t t1
LEFT OUTER JOIN @t t2 ON t2.alias=t1.dnsname AND'Zone001'
LEFT OUTER JOIN @t t3 ON t3.alias=t2.dnsname+'.com' AND'Zone000'
AND t1.alias LIKE '%.%.%.%';
Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before
How to get the best help on a forum 8, 2010 at 8:49 am
how about a CTE?
DECLARE @t TABLE(dnsname VARCHAR(30),alias VARCHAR(30),zone VARCHAR(30));
INSERT INTO @t(dnsname,alias,zone)
SELECT 'w2ksrv','','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'std-w2ksrv','w2ksrv','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'app_w2ksrv','','zone000' UNION ALL
SELECT 'w2ksrvtst','','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'csm_w2ksrvtst','','zone000' UNION ALL
SELECT 'w2k3appdb','','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'std-w2k3appdb','w2k3appdb','zone001' UNION ALL
SELECT 'w2k3appdbms','','zone000';
--select * from @t
;with cte as
(select dnsname, alias, zone, 1 as RowNum
from @t
where zone='Zone001' and alias=''
union all
select a.dnsname, a.alias,, b.RowNum + 1
from @t a
join cte b
on b.dnsname = case when CHARINDEX('.com', a.alias,1) > 0 then
SUBSTRING(a.alias, 1, CHARINDEX('.com', a.alias,1) - 1)
else a.alias
select a.dnsname, a.alias,
from cte a inner join (select max(RowNum) RowNum from cte) b
on a.RowNum = b.RowNum
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September 8, 2010 at 9:39 am
CTE re-creates the hierarchic structure. I tried this one
select dns.dnsname, dns.alias, left(dns.alias, charindex('.', dns.alias)-1) as dns from dbo.dnsname as dns where zona=''
union all
select rec.dnsname, rec.alias, rec.alias as dns from dbo.dnsname as rec
inner join CTEdns as cte on cte.dns=rec.dnsname
) --option (maxrecursion 5)
select * from CTEdns
but to no avail ๐
anyway... i'm going to test the solution you mentioned as soon as possible.
i have 2 ideas on my mind
1) view
2) sp
both cases end up with a table/view like
ip - last_dnsname_in_chain
so that in my software the query woulb be as simple as
select dnsname from whatever where ip=variable
which one would you suggest?
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