How to check settings for Log Reader Agent used in Transactional Replication

  • What type of query can I use to see what is the "Read Batch Size" of the Log Reader Agent used for Transactional Replication. By default, from my readings/knowledge, Batch Size is either default as 500 or 1000 Transactions/Commits, but this value can be set for individual implementations. Batch Size can be used for both the Log Reader Agent and the Distribution Agent in Transactional Replication.

    Is there any queries out there can I can use to check what is currently this value. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    SQL Server DBA


  •     select *

            from msdb..MSagent_parameters 

            where profile_id = 1 


    you can right click the log reader agen and click agent profile...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Sorry, this post is no longer up to date, I have added some comments to my posting at . Please check and respond there, thank you and sorry for any confusion.



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