How to check image is exist in table

  • Hi,

    While adding new image in table. how to check image is already exists or not.



  • Use SELECT statement. If the column value is NULL, image does not exist.

  • Are you using the IMAGE data type?

    A breakdown of your table DDL would be helpful.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • how i can use DDL. how to check the uploading image is exist or not in table

  • You don't use DDL to check that an image exists. You give us the DDL (the CREATE TABLE statement) to show us how your table is designed so we can answer your question correctly. Otherwise, we just assume based on how we would design such a table and our assumptions may be wrong.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Table Structure

    Create Table ##ItemMaster(Sys_Item_Num numeric (18,2), ImgFile image)

    While modification, i what to check the uploading image is already in table or not.

  • First, I recommend changing that Image data type to a VarBinary(MAX) data type. Image is deprecated in SQL Server (has been since 2005) and will go away in a future version without much warning. So if you can fix it now, do so.

    My advice would be to load the image into a staging table and do a compare by converting the Image to binary in both the staging table and the destination table. I'm guessing at the syntax because I've never converted an image before.

    INSERT INTO dbo.##ItemMaster (ImgFile)

    SELECT st.ImgFile

    FROM dbo.##StagingItemMaster st

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.##ItemMaster im

    ON Convert(varbinary(MAX),st.ImgFile) = Convert(varbinary(MAX),im.ImgFile)

    WHERE im.ImgFile IS NULL;

    This is untested code. Make sure to verify it in a Dev environment before implementing it in Production. Please let me know if you have any problems with it.

    If you change the table to use varbinary instead of image, you should be able to do the compare without the CONVERT() function. I think...

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • As it can become quite a long binary string, you can also try converting the image to a hash value, which allows easier comparison:

    WHERE HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(ImageColumn1 as varbinary(MAX)))

    = HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(ImageColumn2 as varbinary(MAX)))

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  • Koen Verbeeck (7/13/2011)

    As it can become quite a long binary string, you can also try converting the image to a hash value, which allows easier comparison:

    WHERE HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(ImageColumn1 as varbinary(MAX)))

    = HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(ImageColumn2 as varbinary(MAX)))

    Thank you, Koen. I didn't even think about hashbytes.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (7/13/2011)

    Koen Verbeeck (7/13/2011)

    As it can become quite a long binary string, you can also try converting the image to a hash value, which allows easier comparison:

    WHERE HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(ImageColumn1 as varbinary(MAX)))

    = HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(ImageColumn2 as varbinary(MAX)))

    Thank you, Koen. I didn't even think about hashbytes.

    You were right not to. It has some unpleasant limitations.

    In SQL 2008, 2008 R2, and Denali the input size is limited to 8000 bytes, so using it on a varbinary(MAX) value which may be a larger and just produce an error will not be useful. (In SQL 2005 the documentation doesn't specify this limit - but either be design or as a bug an error "the data would be trucnated" is produced if teh input is more than 8000 bytes.)

    Even when it works (that is when the image is small enough), it will sometimes return a false positive - you will get the same hash for two different values - so comparing hashbytes is not a reliable check; using SHA2 (in denali only) or SHA1 (in 2005 onwards) will deliver fewer false positives than MD5 (SHA2 delivers fewer than SHA1), so even for small images SHA2 should be used rather than MD5, and SHA1 should be used where SHA2 is not available. The length can be compared as well as the hash to reduce the frequency of false positives, but to eliminate them you still need to do a proper comparison (preferably not in T-SQL, as the language isn't really suited to such a job) any time you get a "match"; and if the images may be longer than 8000 bytes, do the hashing outside of SQL too in order to eliminate the limit on image size.


  • i've done something like this with putting icons in a database, and i get a CRC value from vb.NET,and store it along with the varbinary(max) in the row;

    it seemed a little easier for me to get the application to calculate the CRC value when inserting, but that logic might not apply to your case. i would then test length of the image and the CRC for duplicates.


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