How to change UK date format to US date format in SSIS (source file)

  • Hello All,

    i have a issue

    Our MMS Agency centers have a file produced by their management system that has dates in the UK format, that is, DD/mm/yy. For some reason, the package won't accept that date format, so they are manually fixing the file so that the date is in US format, or mm/DD/yyyy.

    how can we change the date format to US format MM/DD/YYYY automatically in file with in SSIS

    Best Regards


  • LocaleID property will let you handle such kind of conversions.

    On the source flat file connection manager properties set localeid to English (United Kingdom).

    Use data conversion transforormation task to convert data into US formart. The localeId property of Data Conversion task should be set to English (United States)

  • Hello Jay,

    Thank you very much, it works like a charm (this is what exactly i am expecting )

    i appreciate your help and i grateful to you

    Best Regards


  • Hello,

    here what i did was, took one Data flow task, in the Data flow task, have one Source file manager (as locale ID=UK) then, Flat file destination (US locale)

    when i execute it is creating the files with US date format as specified path in flat file destination (basically both source& destination foloders are different so no problem)

    now can any one tell me how can i change source file (or overwrite) i.e,. both source & destination will be only one file (finally after package executes the folder should contain only US format file


    Thanks in advance


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