How to change the display results by using store procedure

  • Hello All,

    I have created a store procedure code and it displayed the outlook below:

    SSN: 111223333 Cleareddate: 1/5/2009 Type: DE DDS: BO TotalCleared: 2

    SSN: 222114444 ClearedDate: 1/7/2009 Type: SM DDS: BO TotalCleared: 2

    Store procedure Code:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[WklyCasesClearedWithNoReturns]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Start Datetime,

    @End Datetime,

    @office varchar(5)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    --select * from ROCAP

    create table #temp


    SocialSecurityNumber varchar(9),

    ClearedDate datetime,

    [Type] varchar(5),

    DDS varchar(50),

    TotalCleared int


    if @office = 'ALL'



    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')





    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    declare @cnt int

    select @cnt=count(*) from #temp

    update #temp set TotalCleared = @cnt

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp


    I wish to display the outlook like below:

    SSN:111223333 Cleareddate:1/5/2009 Type:DE DDS: BO TotalCleared: 1

    SSN: 222114444 ClearedDate: 1/7/2009 Type: SM DDS: BO TotalCleared: 1

    I wish to display the total case in the column "TOTALCLEARED" for each case is 1, and then sum all cases at the bottom of the column TOTALCLEARED.

    Thank you in advances

  • You could try simply dropping the TotalCleared from #temp. It is not needed. The update you are doing to that column will always contain just the rowcount. I assume you want the total cleared as the last row? Two way to accomplish this.

    Select SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS, count(*)

    from #temp

    group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    If you always want the detail row to list 1 just tweak to something like.

    select SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS, 1

    from #temp


    select null, null, null, null, count(*) from #temp

    Hope that helps.


    josephptran2002 (4/9/2009)


    create table #temp


    SocialSecurityNumber varchar(9),

    ClearedDate datetime,

    [Type] varchar(5),

    DDS varchar(50),

    TotalCleared int


    update #temp set TotalCleared = @cnt

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp



    I wish to display the outlook like below:

    SSN:111223333 Cleareddate:1/5/2009 Type:DE DDS: BO TotalCleared: 1

    SSN: 222114444 ClearedDate: 1/7/2009 Type: SM DDS: BO TotalCleared: 1

    I wish to display the total case in the column "TOTALCLEARED" for each case is 1, and then sum all cases at the bottom of the column TOTALCLEARED.

    Thank you in advances


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  • hello Slange,

    I take your suggestion and added the codes in my codes. But It gave me an error : Invalid column name 'Type'

    Do you know why?


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[WklyCasesClearedWithNoReturns]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Start Datetime,

    @End Datetime,

    @office varchar(5)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    --select * from ROCAP

    create table #temp


    SocialSecurityNumber varchar(9),

    ClearedDate datetime,

    [Type] varchar(5),

    DDS varchar(50),

    TotalCleared int


    if @office = 'ALL'



    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Group By SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Group By SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Group By SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate,[Type], DDS, Count(*)

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')





    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Group By SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Group By SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Group By SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    declare @cnt int

    select @cnt=count(*) from #temp

    update #temp set TotalCleared = @cnt

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp


  • Can you post the new code? I tested the code i put it up and it works fine. 😉


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  • Hello Slange,

    Here is the new code:

    It gives me an error: "Invalid column name 'ClearedDate'"

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[WklyCasesClearedWithNoReturns]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Start Datetime,

    @End Datetime,

    @office varchar(5)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    --select * from ROCAP

    create table #temp


    SocialSecurityNumber varchar(9),

    ClearedDate datetime,

    [Type] varchar(5),

    DDS varchar(50),

    TotalCleared int


    if @office = 'ALL'



    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, count(*)

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')





    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, count(*)

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, count(*)

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    declare @cnt int

    select @cnt=count(*) from #temp

    update #temp set TotalCleared = @cnt

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp


  • Oh I see what you did. You should put all the inserts back to the original. The only change should be at the end.

    josephptran2002 (4/9/2009)

    Hello Slange,

    declare @cnt int

    select @cnt=count(*) from #temp

    update #temp set TotalCleared = @cnt

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp


    Drop this whole section use the select i posted. That should get you what you want.


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  • Hello Slange,

    I am confused, would you please tell me what insert I should put back? and What changes should I change at the end?

    Thank you

  • Start with your original code.

    Remove the TotalCleared column from your temp table.

    instead of :

    declare @cnt int

    select @cnt=count(*) from #temp

    update #temp set TotalCleared = @cnt

    select * from #temp

    put in one of the two new select statements.

    then continue to drop table #temp



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  • Hello Slange,

    I ran the codes that you suggested me to change it, and it works. But there is a small problem that I want to ask you, and that question is:

    the outlook of the codes that I have changed like below

    SocialSecuriyNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Column

    How can I name the column name "Column"? Because this is Total column of each row, I wish to name it as "TOTALCLEARED" instead of Column.

    Thank you

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[WklyCasesClearedWithNoReturns]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Start Datetime,

    @End Datetime,

    @office varchar(5)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    --select * from ROCAP

    create table #temp


    SocialSecurityNumber varchar(9),

    ClearedDate datetime,

    [Type] varchar(5),

    DDS varchar(50),

    TotalCleared int


    if @office = 'ALL'



    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')





    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, DEClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'DE' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    DEClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and DESecondClearedDate is NULL

    and DEThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and DEFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Order BY ISNULL( DEClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, SomaticMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'SM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    SomaticMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and SomaticMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and SomaticMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Order BY ISNULL( SomaticMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    insert into #temp

    select SocialSecurityNumber, PsycMCClearedDate as ClearedDate, 'PM' as [Type], DDS, NULL

    from ROCAPData where

    PsycMCClearedDate between @Start and @End

    and PsycMCSecondClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCThirdClearedDate is NULL

    and PsycMCFourthClearedDate is NULL

    and DDS = @office

    Order BY ISNULL( PsycMCClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


    Select SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*)

    from #temp

    Group by SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS

    Order BY ISNULL( ClearedDate, '31-Dec-2090')


  • Hello Slange,

    Forget about the question that I just ask you, I solved it.



  • Aggregate columns get no column name unless you alias it. Do something like this:

    Select SocialSecurityNumber, ClearedDate, [Type], DDS, Count(*) as TotalCleared




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  • Hello Slange,

    I have a question which relates to this question, if I want to have sum at the bottom of the column TotalCleared. Do you know how?



  • Hi

    Append the below query:

    union all

    select null, null, null, null, count(*) from #temp

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