how to change expression

  • Hi,

    i am using ssis to rename file one by one in the folder using for each loop container

    for that i create variable and wrote expression for varables

    my problem is in destination i want to change all my filename one by one

    its ok from me but my main problem is when i use below expression it give "abc-92008.txt"

    it is expression

    @[User::ArchivePath] + SUBSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue] , 1 , FINDSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue],".",1) - 1 ) + "-" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) Month( @[System::StartTime] )+ (DT_STR, 4, 1252) Year( @[System::StartTime] )+ SUBSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue] , FINDSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue],".",1) , LEN( @[User::MyFileValue] ) )

    but i want "abc-Processed.txt"

    how to write expression for the above destination file



  • Hi,

    I think this is what you're after:

    @[User::ArchivePath] + SUBSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue] , 1 , FINDSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue],".",1) - 1 ) + "-Processed" + SUBSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue] , FINDSTRING( @[User::MyFileValue],".",1) , LEN( @[User::MyFileValue] ) )



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