How to change charts color in reporting services???

  • I am creating a dashboard sort of report in SSRS 2005 which includes mainly charts...

    and i want to change charts color as per my requirements...

    How can i change that or how i can create a new palette...??

  • Robert Bruckner wrote a terrific article on charting for SSRS that you should read. For your particular case, he has a section on how to create your own custom set of colors for a chart:

    Scroll down to the section in the article titled "Custom Chart Color Palettes and Legends"

    Also, regarding charting in general, check out Stephen Few's website -- he specializes in visual analytics and dashboards.


  • i found the solution for this question.


    <BackgroundGradientEndColor>=Switch( Fields!bKeyId.Value = 5, "Red", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 4, "Blue", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 3, "Yellow", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 2, "Cyan", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 1, "Green")</BackgroundGradientEndColor>


    <BackgroundColor>=Switch( Fields!bKeyId.Value = 5, "Red", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 4, "Blue", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 3, "Yellow", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 2, "Cyan", Fields!bKeyId.Value = 1, "Green")</BackgroundColor>








    this is apply on Pie chart. so i can fix the color for every color that i use for same category in different question and report. this make the report look more consitant.

    RAQ Report: Web-based Excel-like Java reporting tool[/url]

  • is easy, go to chart, properties, Tab Data, in Values, select Button Edit, Tab Apppearance, select button Series Style, Tab Fill,select button fx, and the field write this.


    are the series names.

    See you.

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