how to call stored procedures of SQLServer

  • my problem is that I have a dynamic stored procedure which has 10 parameters such as @param1.....@param10. I have a asp form which takes the input from the user for this parameters and there is a class module in visual Basic which connects with SQL Server and have to execute the stored procedure. Now the thing is how to assign values to @param values from asp form into visual basic class module?

  • Hello darshit_99,


    my problem is that I have a dynamic stored procedure which has 10 parameters such as @param1.....@param10. I have a asp form which takes the input from the user for this parameters and there is a class module in visual Basic which connects with SQL Server and have to execute the stored procedure. Now the thing is how to assign values to @param values from asp form into visual basic class module?

    I'm not sure if I understand you. Are you looking for something like this:

    Set cnn = Connect()

    SQL = "fai_collectWebInfos '" & Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_PASSWORD")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_CONNECTION")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

    SQL = SQL & "', '" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE") & "'"


    fai_collectWebInfos is a stored proc which takes multiple input params?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You need to move your module code into a asp file.

    I've never seen a VB class module being used within asp.

    If you convert your module to a DLL you can instatiate it and pass values and

    call its methods. What you're trying to accomplish could be possible in a .NET framework.

    but I don't think it can be done within a regular asp file.

    IF you move your module code to asp file

    Ex. Dim ObjConn, ObjCmd

    Set ObjConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")

    Set ObjConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")

    Set ObjCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")

    With ObjConn

    .ConnectionTimeOut = 5

    .CursorLocation = 3 -- Client Side cursor

    .Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=Server Name; Initial Catalog=DBNAME;

    Integrated Security=SSPI;"

    End With 'You may need to adjust your connection string

    With ObjCmd

    .ActiveConnection = ObjConn

    .CommandType = 4 -- Stored Proc.

    .CommandText = "Stored Proc. Name"

    .Parameters("@Param1") = AspVar1

    .Parameters("@Param2") = AspVar2

    .Parameters("@Param3") = AspVar3

    .Parameters("@Param4") = AspVar4

    . and so on...

    Set ObjRecSet = .Execute 'Execute Stored Proc.

    AspOutputVar = .Parameters("OutPut_ParamName").value 'If proc has output param

    you can get return value like

    this. This only works with

    client side cursor.

    End With

    If Proc returns Recordsets, you can fetch through the recordset using the

    ObjRecSet Object:

    While Not(ObjRecSet.BOF OR ObjRecSet.EOF)

    Response.Write ObjRecSet("Col_Name").Value

    . and so on...



    Set ObjCmd = Nothing

    Set ObjRecSet = Nothing


    Set ObjConnection = Nothing



  • Where we are allowed to we compile our VB modules to DLLs and register them on the Webserver.

    This allows us to develop and test the code quickly and also reduces the amount of asp within the various files as we simply have to...

    Dim obj

    Set obj=Server.CreateObject("MyDLL.Class")

    obj.Myparam1 =

    obj.Myparam2 =



    obj.Myparam10 =


    Set obj=Nothing

    By putting stuff into the DLL we can also write value checking into the parameters to make sure that the parameters contain exactly what they are supposed to and do not allow SQL Injection attacks.

    Of course, where we are not allowed this approach we tend to use classes and ADO Command objects on the ASP pages and reams of error checking.

    The downside is

    • Slower, interpretted code.
    • VB Script is more limited than VB6
    • Larger ASP files
    • Potential security risks
  • I do all my stored procedure calling right in the ASP page. Below would be an example of VBS portion of an ASP page doing such a call:

    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set DataCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    Set oCONTs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    oConn.connectionString = NewParamValue4

    DataCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn

    oCONTs.ActiveConnection = oConn

    DataCommand.CommandText = "p_display_entity_load"


    Set param1 = DataCommand.CreateParameter("@load_id", adVarChar, adParamInput, 16, NewParamValue2)

    Set param2 = DataCommand.CreateParameter("@record_type_cd", adVarChar, adParamInput, 7, NewParamValue1)

    DataCommand.Parameters.Append param1

    DataCommand.Parameters.Append param2

    Set oCONTs = DataCommand.Execute

    If oCONTs.recordcount > 0 Then


    End if

    <% Do While Not oCONTs.EOF %>


    <% oCONTs.MoveNext %>

    <% Loop %>



    Set param1 = nothing

    Set param2 = nothing

    Set oConn = nothing

    Set DataCommand = nothing

    Set oCONTs = nothing

    Hope this helps,


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