how to call a scalar function without schema in sqlserver 2019

  • it gives error , is there any way that i can call it with out a schema. i have made the schema default also ,

    but still it says unidentified object. so is there any work around that i can call the scalar function with out schema. in sqlserver 2019

  • No: "Scalar functions must be invoked by using at least the two-part name of the function (<schema>.<function>)"

    Why are you even trying to work around this? You should preface all database object references with the schema to avoid ambiguity.

  • Just piling on with @ratbak

    Every object in your queries should be qualified with the schema owner. If for no other reason, it reduces, in ever so tiny an amount, the overhead of running queries. Otherwise, the optimizer has to go and find the objects you're referencing, adding to the resources it uses, and reducing the time & effort it could be spending in optimizing your queries.

    Not to mention, clarity of code, accuracy, added functionality, all the rest of the reasons why you should be qualifying your object ownership.

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  • ratbak wrote:

    No: "Scalar functions must be invoked by using at least the two-part name of the function (<schema>.<function>)"

    Why are you even trying to work around this? You should preface all database object references with the schema to avoid ambiguity.

    +1 Million!

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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  • One more pile-on.  Specifying the schema means that the function is part of the specific database, and not a function in the T-SQL language.  It's just required, besides being good practice.

  • Another reason to always use the schema is that the default schema can change depending on schema scope. I stumbled across this recently and I was going to describe it, but this article does a better job.

    Mainly I think this is interesting, but it's another argument for always specifying the schema.

  • Grant Fritchey wrote:

    Just piling on with @ratbak

    Every object in your queries should be qualified with the schema owner. If for no other reason, it reduces, in ever so tiny an amount, the overhead of running queries. Otherwise, the optimizer has to go and find the objects you're referencing, adding to the resources it uses, and reducing the time & effort it could be spending in optimizing your queries.

    Not to mention, clarity of code, accuracy, added functionality, all the rest of the reasons why you should be qualifying your object ownership.

    There was also an issue that would cause multiple execution plans to be generated based on the default schema of the user executing the code.  If we assume the objects are all in the 'dbo' schema - and each user has their own schema, the each user that called that code would generate a separate plan.

    Not sure if that issue was ever addressed - or if it could even be addressed, but it definitely makes it much harder to troubleshoot.

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  • By now, you know the solution.

    Want to make it even better, do not use a SCALAR value function, but turn it into a (in-line)Table valued function !

    In most cases, performance will be better ( by far  ! ) as TVFs are handled in SQL Servers SET handling department 🙂

    ref "Four ways to improve scalar function performance in SQL Server"


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  • Johan Bijnens wrote:

    By now, you know the solution.

    Want to make it even better, do not use a SCALAR value function, but turn it into a (in-line)Table valued function ! In most cases, performance will be better ( by far  ! ) as TVFs are handled in SQL Servers SET handling department 🙂 ref "Four ways to improve scalar function performance in SQL Server"

    +1 Million again!

    For even more by one of the masters of SQL Server, do the following search.  You'll be amazed at how many ways scalar and muti-statement (mTVF for short) functions just absolutely screw your code to the floor when it comes to performance.  He also has some recommended fixes (like converting to inline Table Valued Functions or "iTVF" for short).

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Understanding that is, schema name is required for calling scalar functions. i have changed my requirement.

    i made three schemas s1 s2 s3, then i made s1 as public , so that when i  use my logins2 whose default schema is s2 I should get s1 schema objects also, similarly when i use my logins3 whose default schema is s3, I should get s1 schema objects also.

    i called the function s1.udfxyz which resides in s1 schema from logins2 it executed properly, but when I put the tables of s2 schema in s1 schema functon it throws error. What i want is that is, s1.udfxyz should be able to get to the tables of s2 schema when i login using logins2 and when I log in using logins3 then the s1.udfxyz should get the tables of s3 schema because table names are same in s2 and s3 schema. and s1.udfxyz function i want to keep comman.

  • rajemessage 14195 wrote:

    Understanding that is, schema name is required for calling scalar functions. i have changed my requirement.

    i made three schemas s1 s2 s3, then i made s1 as public , so that when i  use my logins2 whose default schema is s2 I should get s1 schema objects also, similarly when i use my logins3 whose default schema is s3, I should get s1 schema objects also.

    Did you read this?

    It is about stored procedures, not functions, but it explains the concept of schema scope, which you may be dealing with. (I can't follow your description so I am not sure).

    I think that the default schema of the function overrides the default schema of the user. When the s2 user executes the s1 function, it first looks for the table in s1, if it doesn't find it, it looks for in in s2. If the table does exist in s1, then it will use the s1 table which may explain why you got a different result when you created the s2 table in s1.  This is how it works for procedures. I haven't tried it with functions.

    I think it is best not to try to write a function with tables references without a schema. The "always use the schema" applies to everything, not just functions.

  • i understood in case of storedporcedure , but in case of  the function.

    I logged in  using  the user  "login s2" then executed the function "" which is in schema "s1" and "s1" does not have any tables now.

    Then it showed  the table does not exist, that means it overrides the default schema of "logins2" which is schema "s2" and uses schema "s1". but the problem is it must search for tables in shcema "s2" which is default of "logins2", that is what it is not doing , and i want to get that.

    pls see if it is possible.

  • rajemessage 14195 wrote:

    i understood in case of storedporcedure , but in case of  the function.

    I logged in  using  the user  "login s2" then executed the function "" which is in schema "s1" and "s1" does not have any tables now.

    Then it showed  the table does not exist, that means it overrides the default schema of "logins2" which is schema "s2" and uses schema "s1". but the problem is it must search for tables in shcema "s2" which is default of "logins2", that is what it is not doing , and i want to get that.

    pls see if it is possible.

    Please post the code for the function.  Also, why would the user for the S2 Schema be calling functions that live in the S1 schema?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

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  • Because I have one product whose code is common for all projects which come to us, so we have to keep one database for one project.

    and now we want to keep one database for all projects with different schema. With this every thing went well.

    But the scalar function needs two part names. So we decided to keep all scalar functions in one schema(common schema) so that we do not have to change the two part names because we have common code for a product.



  • rajemessage 14195 wrote:

    but the problem is it must search for tables in shcema "s2" which is default of "logins2", that is what it is not doing , and i want to get that.

    It seems that if the table from the same schema as the function does not exist, it then looks for a dbo table, regardless of the user's default schema.

    I created a login called User1 and ran the following test. I thought it would revert to the user default schema, but that only works if the default schema is dbo. When I changed my default schema I found the same thing.

    -- Confirm my user name (I was previously connected as dbo so the test didn't work)
    SELECT CONCAT('User Name: ', USER_NAME());


    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS User2.WhichSchema;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS User1.WhichSchema;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.WhichSchema;




    CREATE TABLE user1.WhichSchema
    (SchemaID INT,
    SchemaName VARCHAR(10)

    INSERT user1.WhichSchema
    VALUES (1, 'User1');

    CREATE TABLE user2.WhichSchema
    (SchemaID INT,
    SchemaName VARCHAR(10)

    INSERT user2.WhichSchema
    VALUES (1, 'User2')

    CREATE TABLE dbo.WhichSchema
    (SchemaID INT,
    SchemaName VARCHAR(10)

    INSERT dbo.WhichSchema
    VALUES (1, 'dbo')

    CREATE FUNCTION user2.GetSchema ( @ID INT )




    DECLARE @SchemaName VARCHAR(10);

    SELECT @SchemaName = SchemaName
    FROM WhichSchema
    WHERE SchemaID = @ID

    RETURN @SchemaName


    SELECT user2.GetSchema(1);

    DROP TABLE User2.WhichSchema;

    SELECT User2.GetSchema(1);

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.WhichSchema;

    -- FUNCTION FAILS TO FIND user2 or dbo table and fails
    SELECT User2.GetSchema(1);

    SELECT *
    FROM WhichSchema


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  Ed B.

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