How to calculate difference in value from previous row

  • IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #mytable

    CREATE TABLE #myTable(

    [Date] DATETIME,

    [Value] DECIMAL(12,4),

    [ValueDifference] DECIMAL(12,4)


    INSERT INTO #mytable ([Date], [Value])

    SELECT 'Oct 17 2007 12:00AM', 5.1709 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 18 2007 12:00AM', 6.5319 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 19 2007 12:00AM', 6.2319 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 20 2007 12:00AM', 6.1319 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 21 2007 12:00AM', 6.5919 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 22 2007 12:00AM', 6.9919 UNION ALL

    SELECT * FROM #myTable

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #mytable

    QUESTION: How does one get the 'Difference'between the 18th and 17th into the [ValueDifference] field for each row in date ASC order ? 🙂

    So for the 18th it would be 6.5319 - 5.1709 = 1.361

  • - have a look at Jeff Modens article on tally tables or moving averages.

    Those should get you started.

    - maybe row_number() can get you a good enough solution. Check books online.


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  • Thats stuff is 1000 miles over my head...

    More direct help would be nice...

  • Modified slightly because I avoid restricted names like the plague, and you left an extra UNION ALL in there. 🙂

    Mind you, you're going to probably have to extrapolate from this because I'm sure those two fields are a mere portion of your real DDL and you'll have to account for the proper joining and row_numbering() mechanics.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #mytable

    CREATE TABLE #myTable(

    dt DATETIME,

    val DECIMAL(12,4),

    valdiff DECIMAL(12,4)


    INSERT INTO #mytable (dt, val)

    SELECT 'Oct 17 2007 12:00AM', 5.1709 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 18 2007 12:00AM', 6.5319 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 19 2007 12:00AM', 6.2319 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 20 2007 12:00AM', 6.1319 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 21 2007 12:00AM', 6.5919 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct 22 2007 12:00AM', 6.9919

    ;with cte AS


    SELECT dt, val, row_number() OVER( Order By dt) AS RowNum

    FROM #mytable



    SETvaldiff = ISNULL( c2.val - c1.val, 0)


    #MyTable AS mt


    cte AS c1

    ONmt.dt = c1.dt


    cte AS c2

    ONc1.rowNum = c2.Rownum - 1

    select * from #mytable

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • I haven't had a chance to test this, but...

    ;WITH cteSEQ AS (





    FROM #myTable


    SELECT S1.*,

    (S1.Value - S0.Value) AS ValueDifference

    FROM cteSEQ AS S1

    INNER JOIN cteSEQ AS S0 ON (S1.rn = S0.rn + 1)

    You can also replace the SELECT statement with an UPDATE statement to update the source data table.

    ;WITH cteSEQ AS (





    FROM #myTable



    SET ValueDifference = S1.Value - S0.Value

    FROM cteSEQ AS S1

    INNER JOIN cteSEQ AS S0 ON (S1.rn = S0.rn + 1)

  • Thanks..

    Another complication to add,..if you could be so kind...

    Add field :valdiffCum (cumulative difference index)

    CREATE TABLE #myTable(

    dt DATETIME,

    val DECIMAL(12,4),

    valdiff DECIMAL(12,4),

    valdiffCum DECIMAL(12,4)


    DECLARE @CumStart DECIMAL(12,4)

    SET @CumStart = 100

    Add up the valdiff to got into the valdiffcum field, but the first value in this field starts at 100 ie @CumStart

    so final result would be

    row 1 : 100

    row 2 : 100 + (6.5319-5.1709) = 101.361

    row 3 : 98.639 + (6.2319-6.5319) = 101.061

    row 4 : 101.061 + etc

  • Thread closed, thanks !:-)

  • I'm sorry I couldn't reply earlier, but I was in class the rest of the day.

    As always I'm glad others jumped in and helped out.:cool:


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  • ALZDB, can you have a look at this calculation ..for me...

    Thanks 🙂

  • Done :hehe:


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
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