October 11, 2011 at 7:57 am
I am calling user defined function multiple times to calculate some values.
Let's say Select dividend/GetPrice() as dividendYield, GetPrice()/Bookvalue as PriceToBookValue, GetPrice/Earnings as PERatio From SecurityDetails.
Here I am calling the same GetPrice() user defined function three times to calculate three different values or ratios.
Is there any way to just call once and use that in multiple calculations ?
Thank you
October 11, 2011 at 8:05 am
declare @someValue money
set @someValue = getprice()
Select dividend/@someValue as dividendYield, @someValue/Bookvalue as PriceToBookValue, @someValue/Earnings as PERatio From SecurityDetails.
It is possible SQL could be smart enough to now the function return is consistent for a single row and not invoke it multiple times, but it may not actually do that. (it will do that with intrinsic functions)
The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.
October 11, 2011 at 8:05 am
dividend/t.price as dividendYield,
t.price/Bookvalue as PriceToBookValue,
t.price/Earnings as PERatio
From SecurityDetails, (select GetPrice() price) t
I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only
October 11, 2011 at 8:32 am
Thank you handkot and sturner for responding on this.
Sorry I missed specifying the parameter for GetPrice() function.
GetPrice() function actually has to have a SecurityId parameter to get the corresponding security price.
Here is the update query:
Select dividend/GetPrice(SecurityId) as dividendYield, GetPrice(SecurityId)/Bookvalue as PriceToBookValue, GetPrice(SecurityId)/Earnings as PERatio From SecurityDetails
Could you please advise?
Thank You
October 11, 2011 at 8:37 am
Select dividend/t.price as dividendYield, t.price/Bookvalue as PriceToBookValue, t.price/Earnings as PERatio From SecurityDetails
cross apply (select GetPrice(SecurityId) price) t
I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only
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