How to Append Character to Field Values

  • A community member called Jeff Morden helped with a query that removes characters from a field value, see

    Can someone help modify the code to include www. when it doesn't exists. For example, the query

    SELECT  tt.homepage_url
    ,websiteurl = LEFT(v1.RightString,COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('/',v1.RightString)-1,-1),150))
    FROM #tmpTable tt
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES(SUBSTRING(homepage_url,CHARINDEX('//',homepage_url)+2,150)))v1(RightString)

    Will produce the following results:


    You notice that and  is not prepended with www, as a result the code removes http://. However, as well as removing http:// I would like www prepended (or is the word prefaced? 🙂 with www.

    So, can someone help modify the code such to add www where it doesn't exists?

    Sample Data

    CREATE TABLE tmpTable (
    homepage_url nvarchar(150),
    websiteurl varchar(100))

    INSERT tmpTable VALUES
  • You could nest the current formula inside an additional CONCAT function and test for the existence of the lead characters

     SELECT  tt.homepage_url
    ,websiteurl = concat(iif(left(v1.RightString, 4)=N'www.', null, N'www.'),
    FROM #tmpTable tt
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES(SUBSTRING(homepage_url,CHARINDEX(N'//',homepage_url)+2,150))) v1(RightString)


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by  Steve Collins. Reason: LEFT(String, 4) is a better comparison than CHARINDEX

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • One of my suggestions in one of the many other threads you have created on this subject was to fix the data.  You can write all the code you want but bad data will always win out...

    Assuming that every site must be preceded with 'www' is also incorrect.  A good example is Microsoft's online documentation which is now located at  How about one of the other sites where we can get help

    To answer your question - how do you determine if 'www.' exists in a string - and if it doesn't, add it?

    SELECT someColumn = IIF(somestring NOT LIKE 'www.%', CONCAT('www.', someString), someString)

    -- Or using CASE
    SELECT someColumn = CASE WHEN someColumn NOT LIKE 'www.%' THEN CONCAT('www.', someString) ELSE someString END

    To simplify your code - here is a hint: Add another CROSS APPLY using the results from v1(RightString) to calculate the value for websiteurl - then use another CROSS APPLY to prepend the 'www.' to the results from websiteurl.  At that point you can then use the final result in any other expressions as needed.


    Jeffrey Williams
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  • I can also tell you for sure that the "community member"s name was not Jeff Morden. 😀

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