April 29, 2004 at 2:01 am
Migth be a silly question but I can't figure it out. How do I align numbers to the right side? My select is for instance "select size, maxsize from sysfiles". Default behaviour is that the output starts from the left side, how to make that from the right side? I'm not so familiar with tsql, I tried a lot with cast, rtrim, string and so on but ... it must be to simple I suppose. Can somebody tell me?
April 29, 2004 at 3:09 am
SQL Server does not format results to the left or right - this is dependant on what you're displaying the results in. For example, when Query Analyzer returns the results it does align to the left. I know of no way of changing this.
The only way to change to display on the right side is to format the results in whatever you're displaying them in.
April 29, 2004 at 7:01 am
Paul is correct, this sort of formatting is normally done in the user app.
However if you want to right align with leading spaces you can use
SELECT STR(12,10,0)
which will produce a char(10) right aligned no decimal
SELECT STR(12.75,10,2)
will produce a char(10) right aligned two decimal places
Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.
April 29, 2004 at 7:27 am
Thanks David, that's what I was looking for! I put it together now like this:
substring(name,1,10) as Databasename,
substring(filename,1,50) as Filename,
str(size * 8) + N' KB' as Size,
str(maxsize * 8) + N' KB' as MaxSize,
str(growth * 8) + N' KB' as "Grow by",
str((maxsize - size) * 8) + N' KB' as "Free KB's",
str(round(((maxsize - size) * 100) / maxsize,0)) + N' %' as "Free PCT"
from sysfiles
And everything is aligned like I wanted. Also nice in osql, so I can produce nice overviews now with that output.
April 29, 2004 at 10:05 am
It's ugly but it works
LEFT(Convert(Char(16), CAST(TBRows AS Money), 1), 13) AS ' Rows',
The LEFT ... strips off the decimal points.
Using Money), 1 puts in the commas.
You can adjust the Char(16) and the Left(..., 13) bigger or smaller as needed. The left s/b Char -3 to strip the decimals
April 29, 2004 at 6:16 pm
If you are using QA you can have it default to right align numerics by going to the Tools/Options menu. Then clicking on the Results tab and checking the Right align Numerics check box. Otherwise see the posts above
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.
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