How to add where clause/filter into calculated member in mdx

  • I am new to MDX. I have below query:

    WITH MEMBER [Student Study Length Hours]

    AS ([Measures].[Study Length Minutes]/[Measures].[Students]/60.0)

    SELECT {[Student Study Length Hours]

    ,[Measures].[Study Length Minutes]

    ,[Measures].[Students} ON COLUMNS

    FROM [Classroom]

    WHERE {[Student Participants].[Student Type].&[100], [Student Participants].[Student Type].&[400]}

    In the cube, I then created the below calculated member, using the info from the query above, and I wanted to included the

    conditions I have in the where clause above, but I do not know how to add those conditions into the calculated member below,

    as I understand the WHERE clause is not allowed in the calculated member. Any help and input you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Student Study Length Hours]

    AS ([Measures].[Study Length Minutes]/[Measures].[Students]/60.0),


    I have googled all over, but I have not been able to find one example addresses the where clause I have as above.

    In SQL, it would be the where clause with StudentType IN(100,400). But how do I do that in calculated member?

  • First try moving the set in the WHERE clause to the "ON ROWS" axis. Do you then get what you want?

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