How to add cost percentage to product

  • Erik. I am not sure what you mean by the % in the columns. From your sample grid (second post) it looks like you have the cost hard-coded for each combination of length and width for the blinds then two possible adders - one for oversize and another for rellease.

    Unless the grid you posted is totally wrong, then this would work (I trust you can add the primary and foreign keys on your own - if not, let me know). Otherwise, please post the exact schema you will use, the test input and a statement of your expected results.

    Thank you


    declare @product table (prodid int identity(1,1), prodname varchar(8))

    declare @prodmeasure table (prodid int,

    w_low int, w_hi int, h_low int, h_hi int,

    cost decimal(5,2), oversize int, rellease int)

    insert into @product

    select 'Blinds' union all

    select 'Doors' union all

    select 'Boards'

    insert into @prodmeasure (prodid,w_low, w_hi, h_low, h_hi, cost, oversize, rellease)

    select 1,0,12,0,36,301,0,0 union all

    select 1,0,12,37,42,323,0,0 union all

    select 1,13,24,0,36,281,0,0 union all

    select 1,13,24,37,42,303,0,0 union all

    select 1,25,30,0,36,317,0,89 union all

    select 1,25,30,37,42,339,2,89

    select * from @product

    select * from @prodmeasure

    order by w_low,w_hi

    declare @orderstbl table (orderid int identity(1,1),prodid int, width int, ht int)

    insert into @orderstbl

    select 1,12,36 union all

    select 1,12,42 union all

    select 1,24,36 union all

    select 1,24,42 union all

    select 1,30,36 union all

    select 1,30,42

    select * from @orderstbl

    select orderid, ot.prodid, width, ht, (cost + oversize + rellease) as final_price

    from @product pr

    join @prodmeasure pm on pr.prodid = pm.prodid

    join @orderstbl ot on ot.prodid = pm.prodid

    where ot.width between w_low and w_hi and between h_low and h_hi

    order by orderid

  • AFCC Inc. Com (2/16/2009)

    Ok now that I am looking at this ..

    I have to remember that the price is computed from the .% in the length width columns. SO my posted schema is wrong.

    I do not need to have any visible prices stored because all the prices are computed from the .% of the chosen width length..


    Looking at the gif chart, I'd have to say that's just not possible. For example, there is a bit of an extra charge for widths 12 or fewer inches. Then, the price actually goes down for 24 inches and starts back up from there.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • I just downloaded a trial version of ABBYY Fine Reader and that product actually let me scan that grid and place the data into an excel file for me..

    From there it is as easy as import from sql.... "Holy Molly..."

    I have attached the excel document for others to see how easy it is to import grid data from a phycial paper document and scanner.

    Dam again!

  • Hey Toni,

    Is the w_low, w_hi, h_low, h_hi, for better performance?


    Dam again!

  • Hey you guys I have just about got this thing down...

    Just need a little more help..

    What I am at now is when I scan that document in and import the data to sql from the Excel file I have the table / grid just like i the image that I post. So Now I need to get it into those width height columns.

    I have got it scaled down as simple as I can with variable tables. When this is right I will move over to real tables.

    **After this is working I need to figure out a way to add in the low_width and low_height

    From what I can tell I need to add a dynamic sql at one location to gain access to the current WidthTO column

    --Set current WidthTO ****Need dynamic sql****

    SELECT @CurrentWidthTO = @ColCnt + 1 FROM @WidthRowTbl WHERE WID = @ColCnt + 1


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sheet1](

    [1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [3] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [4] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [5] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [6] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [7] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [8] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [9] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [10] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [11] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [12] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [13] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [14] [nvarchar](255) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO dbo.Sheet1

    SELECT 0,12,24,28,32,36,42,48,54,60,66,72,84,96 UNION ALL

    SELECT 30,95,80,93,107,120,140,160,179,199,219,239,281,351 UNION ALL

    SELECT 36,112,97,110,127,143,167,190,215,239,262,289,337,414 UNION ALL

    SELECT 42,118,103,120,137,153,180,203,232,255,280,309,361,441 UNION ALL

    SELECT 48,132,117,137,157,173,203,233,265,292,322,352,411,501 UNION ALL

    SELECT 54,142,127,147,167,187,220,250,285,315,345,379,444,534 UNION ALL

    SELECT 60,155,140,163,187,210,243,280,315,352,385,419,491,591 UNION ALL

    SELECT 66,158,143,167,190,213,250,287,322,359,395,432,504,604 UNION ALL

    SELECT 73,162,147,170,197,220,257,293,332,369,405,442,517,621 UNION ALL

    SELECT 78,172,157,183,210,233,273,313,355,392,432,472,551,661 UNION ALL

    SELECT 84,185,170,197,223,253,293,337,382,422,465,509,594,707 UNION ALL

    SELECT 90,195,180,210,240,270,317,360,409,452,499,542,637,757 UNION ALL

    SELECT 96,208,193,223,257,290,337,387,435,482,532,579,677,804 UNION ALL

    SELECT 108,232,217,253,290,323,380,433,489,542,599,652,761,901 UNION ALL

    SELECT 120,255,240,280,320,360,420,480,542,65,665,725,847,997 UNION ALL



    DECLARE @ColCnt INT;

    SET @ColCnt = 1; --Predetermined number of columns is 14

    DECLARE @CurrentHeightTO INT, @CurrentWidthTO INT;


    DECLARE @WidthHeightTbl TABLE(W_H_ID int identity(1,1),[1] INT,[2] INT,[3] INT, [4] INT, [5] INT,

    [6] INT, [7] INT, [8] INT, [9] INT, [10] INT,

    [11] INT, [12] INT, [13] INT, [14] INT)


    DECLARE @WidthRowTbl TABLE(WID int identity(1,1),[1] INT,[2] INT,[3] INT, [4] INT, [5] INT,

    [6] INT, [7] INT, [8] INT, [9] INT, [10] INT,

    [11] INT, [12] INT, [13] INT, [14] INT)


    DECLARE @HeightWidthColsTbl TABLE(Hcol INT, Wcol INT, CostCol NVARCHAR(255))


    DECLARE @HeightColTbl TABLE( HID int identity(1,1),Hcol INT)


    DECLARE @TotalRowCnt INT;


    --Fill WidthHeight Table

    INSERT INTO @WidthHeightTbl

    SELECT * FROM dbo.Sheet1


    --Fill Width Row

    INSERT INTO @WidthRowTbl -- Fill the first row that is the WidthTO row

    SELECT TOP(1)dbo.Sheet1.* FROM dbo.Sheet1


    --Fill Height Col

    INSERT INTO @HeightColTbl

    SELECT [1] FROM @WidthHeightTbl;


    SELECT @TotalRowCnt = COUNT(*) FROM @WidthHeightTbl

    WHILE(@TotalRowCnt > 0)


    --SET current heightTO

    SELECT @CurrentHeightTO = Hcol FROM @HeightColTbl WHERE HID = @TotalRowCnt + 1

    WHILE(@ColCnt < 15 )


    --Set current WidthTO ****Need dynamic sql****

    SELECT @CurrentWidthTO = @ColCnt + 1 FROM @WidthRowTbl WHERE WID = @ColCnt + 1


    INSERT INTO @HeightWidthColsTbl

    SELECT @CurrentHeightTO, @CurrentWidthTO,

    WHERE WID = @CurrentHeightTO AND Wcol = @CurrentWidthTO

    SET @ColCnt = @ColCnt + 1


    SET @ColCnt = 1

    SET @TotalRowCnt = @TotalRowCnt + 1


    Let me know if I missed something...

    I think I need to add that dynamic sql unless you guys have a better idea.


    Dam again!

  • Come to find out the window treatment supplier has this grid in an excel format.. Oh well,, live and learn..

    Did I post enough info to loop that table and group the width, height, cost data into the correct columns.?


    Dam again!

  • AFCC Inc. Com (2/17/2009)

    Come to find out the window treatment supplier has this grid in an excel format.. Oh well,, live and learn..

    Did I post enough info to loop that table and group the width, height, cost data into the correct columns.?


    I wouldn't "loop" that table... I'd normalize it, instead... thing "NVP" table (Name/Value Pair).

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • I am going to defer to Jeff. I don't think I am anywhere near the same mind set as you are on this one. I think you are now trying to just build test data?

  • What I am doing is creating a table that has one row, and this row contains the WidthTo columns

    Then I create a HeightTable and this table contains the all the rows in the first column which is all the heights

    Then I loop the table and for each row, I then loop each column for that row.

    Then I am attempting to insert the matched WidthTo and HeightTo to the Cost for those two coordinates. Then insert that into the WidthToHeidthToTble.

    For each row that I loop I loop each cell in that row, each cell coordinates the current cost for the current WidthTo and HeightTO coordinates.

    The problem here is that I most likely got the right idea I just do not know the correct terminology to ask for help.


    Maybe it is that I need to take the data from a standard table and create a two dimensional table with it..

    I am not sure how I would normalize this type of table..


    Here is another way... I need to create a utility script that will allow me to process data from an imported excel file.

    The data above from the dbo.Sheet table is the exact replica of the data from the excel file.

    I need to process this imported data table so that I can use this data in the tables you guys have showed me how to create.

    1. Got Table full of data

    2. Need to loop each row

    3. Need to loop each cell in each row

    4. Need to store current WidthToCol val, HeightToCol val, and cost val for those coordinates in the tables you guys showed me how to create.

    ---The last most script that I posted is for testing only.... If I get that I can take that concept over to the physical data tables you guys showed me how to create.

    --I know this is not kindergarten stuff here....

    Thanks a lot for the help...


    Dam again!

  • AFCC Inc. Com (2/17/2009)

    What I am doing is creating a table that has one row, and this row contains the WidthTo columns

    Then I create a HeightTable and this table contains the all the rows in the first column which is all the heights

    Then I loop the table and for each row, I then loop each column for that row.

    You keep saying "loop"... that's "Death by SQL". Please read the following article...

    especially the section where it says...

    "You've seen it... some poor slob posts that (s)he has a table and it has a CSV column in it. "How do you join to it?", they ask. The correct answer, of course, is to normalize the table"

    Don't skimp... read the whole article and try the examples...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Very nice article.... I can say that I truly got something valuable from that..

    I need a little help here..

    I need to a way to get that Width Column value into table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sheet1](

    [1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [3] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [4] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [5] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [6] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [7] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [8] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [9] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [10] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [11] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [12] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [13] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [14] [nvarchar](255) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO dbo.Sheet1

    SELECT 0,12,24,28,32,36,42,48,54,60,66,72,84,96 UNION ALL

    SELECT 30,95,80,93,107,120,140,160,179,199,219,239,281,351 UNION ALL

    SELECT 36,112,97,110,127,143,167,190,215,239,262,289,337,414 UNION ALL

    SELECT 42,118,103,120,137,153,180,203,232,255,280,309,361,441 UNION ALL

    SELECT 48,132,117,137,157,173,203,233,265,292,322,352,411,501 UNION ALL

    SELECT 54,142,127,147,167,187,220,250,285,315,345,379,444,534 UNION ALL

    SELECT 60,155,140,163,187,210,243,280,315,352,385,419,491,591 UNION ALL

    SELECT 66,158,143,167,190,213,250,287,322,359,395,432,504,604 UNION ALL

    SELECT 73,162,147,170,197,220,257,293,332,369,405,442,517,621 UNION ALL

    SELECT 78,172,157,183,210,233,273,313,355,392,432,472,551,661 UNION ALL

    SELECT 84,185,170,197,223,253,293,337,382,422,465,509,594,707 UNION ALL

    SELECT 90,195,180,210,240,270,317,360,409,452,499,542,637,757 UNION ALL

    SELECT 96,208,193,223,257,290,337,387,435,482,532,579,677,804 UNION ALL

    SELECT 108,232,217,253,290,323,380,433,489,542,599,652,761,901 UNION ALL

    SELECT 120,255,240,280,320,360,420,480,542,65,665,725,847,997 UNION ALL


    --===== Simulate a passed parameter

    DECLARE @Elements TABLE


    Number INT IDENTITY(1,1), --Order it appears in original string

    Height VARCHAR(3),

    Width VARCHAR(3),

    [Value] VARCHAR(2000) --The string value of the element


    INSERT INTO @Elements

    SELECT X.HeightColVal, 'Need to store current width here',



    SELECT N 'HeightColVal',(

    SELECT ','+[2]+','+[3]+','+[4]+','+[5]+','+[6]+','+[7]+','+[8]+',' +


    FROM dbo.Sheet1

    WHERE [1] = N)'CurrentWidthRow'

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE N < 200)X,dbo.Tally

    WHERE X.CurrentWidthRow IS NOT NULL


    N < LEN(X.CurrentWidthRow)

    AND SUBSTRING(X.CurrentWidthRow,N,1) = ','

    SELECT * FROM @Elements

    ORDER BY Height desc


    Dam again!

  • Hey Jeff,

    Did you have any ideas for me on this one...?

    Or another article that will help me?


    Dam again!

  • Here is my first finish product...

    Will have to just refine this over time, and maybe people on here will jump in and share their better experiences, but for now this works and my brain hurts.... 😉



    ----===== Create and populate the Tally table on the fly

    -- SELECT TOP 1000

    -- IDENTITY(INT,1,1) AS N

    -- INTO dbo.Tally

    -- FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1,

    -- Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2


    (SELECT * FROM sys.objects

    WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[WidthHeight]'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[WidthHeight]


    DECLARE @Elements TABLE


    Number INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    Height VARCHAR(3),

    Width VARCHAR(3),

    [Value] VARCHAR(2000)


    INSERT INTO @Elements

    SELECT X.HeightColVal, 0,



    SELECT N 'HeightColVal',(

    SELECT ','+[2]+':12,'+[3]+':24,'+[4]+':28,'+[5]+':32,'+[6]+':36,'+[7]+':42,'+[8]+':48,' +


    FROM dbo.Sheet1

    WHERE [1] = N)'CurrentWidthRow'

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE N < 200)X,dbo.Tally

    WHERE X.CurrentWidthRow IS NOT NULL


    N < LEN(X.CurrentWidthRow)

    AND SUBSTRING(X.CurrentWidthRow,N,1) = ','

    SELECT * into WidthHeight FROM @Elements

    group by Height,Number,Width,Value

    ORDER BY Number asc


    --Process the

    declare @TotalRows INT;

    SET @TotalRows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.WidthHeight)

    WHILE(@TotalRows > 0)


    UPDATE dbo.WidthHeight

    SET Width =


    SELECT Replace(SUBSTRING([VALUE],Charindex(':',[VALUE]),3),':','')

    FROM dbo.WidthHeight WHERE Number = @TotalRows


    [Value] =


    SELECT Replace(SUBSTRING([VALUE],0,Charindex(':',[VALUE])),':','')

    FROM dbo.WidthHeight WHERE Number = @TotalRows


    WHERE Number = @TotalRows

    SET @TotalRows = @TotalRows -1;


    SELECT * FROM dbo.WidthHeight

    Dam again!

  • Erik, for this particular table if you add an identity column to your sheet1 table you can make your WidthHeight table without loops and all. Now, there is probably a Rank/Rownum way to do this in 2005 but I did not work it that way.

    ------------------ add an identity column to your sheet1 table

    ------------------ (or could be done to a copy)


    alter table sheet1

    add rowid int identity(1,1)


    ---- create your widthheight table from sheet1 building a row for each width/height combo


    declare @WidthHeight table (row_number int Identity(1,1), value varchar(10),

    width varchar(3), height varchar(3))

    insert into @WidthHeight (value, height, width)

    select [2],[1] height, (select [2] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    -- select * from @WidthHeight

    select [3],[1] height, (select [3] from sheet1 where rowid=1) as width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [4],[1] height,(select [4] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [5],[1] height,(select [5] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [6],[1] height,(select [6] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [7],[1] height,(select [7] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [8],[1] height,(select [8] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [9],[1] height,(select [9] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [10],[1] height,(select [10] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [11],[1] height,(select [11] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [12],[1] height,(select [12] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [13],[1] height,(select [13] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1 union all

    select [14],[1] height,(select [14] from sheet1 where rowid=1) width

    from sheet1 where rowid >1

    select * from @WidthHeight


  • Check this awesome solution that Jonathan over at msdn helped me with.


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sheet2]( [0] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [12] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [24] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [28] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [32] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [36] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [42] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [48] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [54] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [60] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [66] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [72] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [84] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [96] [nvarchar](255) NULL )


    INSERT INTO dbo.Sheet2

    SELECT 30,95,80,93,107,120,140,160,179,199,219,239,281,351

    UNION ALL SELECT 36,112,97,110,127,143,167,190,215,239,262,289,337,414

    UNION ALL SELECT 42,118,103,120,137,153,180,203,232,255,280,309,361,441

    UNION ALL SELECT 48,132,117,137,157,173,203,233,265,292,322,352,411,501

    UNION ALL SELECT 54,142,127,147,167,187,220,250,285,315,345,379,444,534

    UNION ALL SELECT 60,155,140,163,187,210,243,280,315,352,385,419,491,591

    UNION ALL SELECT 66,158,143,167,190,213,250,287,322,359,395,432,504,604

    UNION ALL SELECT 73,162,147,170,197,220,257,293,332,369,405,442,517,621

    UNION ALL SELECT 78,172,157,183,210,233,273,313,355,392,432,472,551,661

    UNION ALL SELECT 84,185,170,197,223,253,293,337,382,422,465,509,594,707

    UNION ALL SELECT 90,195,180,210,240,270,317,360,409,452,499,542,637,757

    UNION ALL SELECT 96,208,193,223,257,290,337,387,435,482,532,579,677,804

    UNION ALL SELECT 108,232,217,253,290,323,380,433,489,542,599,652,761,901

    UNION ALL SELECT 120,255,240,280,320,360,420,480,542,65,665,725,847,997

    SELECT [0] as height, Width, Cost


    (SELECT [0],[12],[24],[28],[32],[36],[42],[48],[54],[60],[66],[72],[84],[96]

    FROM Sheet2) p


    (Cost FOR Width IN


    ) as unpvt


    Copy and paste that into sqlserver manager and watch the fireworks..

    Dam again!

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

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