How to add a DTS Package as one step to a job manually?

  • When scheduling a DTS package, the command for the step is created as encrypt hex like:

    DTSRun /~Z0xD4C42747D72208F35ADE9....

    But If I want to add a step to a job manually, the wizard will ask for following setting:

    Type: Operating System Command(CmdExec)

    Process exis code of a successful command:0


    How to set DTSRUN param for the command? should be like following?

    DTSRun "DTS Package Name"

  • DTSRun /S ServerName /E /N"PackageName"


  • Thanks.

    On SQL server 2008, I run the dts package Test in command line as below and succeeded.

    dtsrun /S myServer\Myinstance /E /N Test

    Then I create a job and set command as above for the step. and then run the job, it failed!

    The error message is:


    Executed as user: MyDomain\sqlservice. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0xACCD42B421607047A3F07F1411A9DC1F (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

    The message is confusing. The DTS is save in msdb and should not look for a file for it!

    What's the reason and how to resolve it?

  • The encrypted command needs to be changed because the package is in a new instance. See my reply to your post in the SQL Agent forum ( to see how to regenerate the encrypted command or use Homebrew's suggestion and format the command without encrypting it.


  • So there two ways: one is plain text, one is encrypt:

    dtsrun /S myServer\Myinstance /E /N Test

    DTSRun /~Z0xB9A94C2AA29A29C9B....

    I can run both of them in MS-DOS command line and success.

    But if I put them for steps for job in command box and then run the job, it failed.

    Same error message as:


    Executed as user: myDomain\sqlservice. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x811094B3EEFE7F4C8BB0F0584FFD3A19 (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

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