How new record will intimate on client side

  • I have a scenerio, I have a table GRN , I want whenever new record will be enter in this table, a message box /popwindow will appear on clint side application develop in VB. or any other way to intimate the user on clint side.

  • maybe using output parameters

    or define an Error in your stored procedure and than catch that error on the client side.

  • Just to get you started:

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Add_New_Fund

    (@Fund_Name varchar (30))


    if exists (select Fund_Name  from  Tbl_Fund where  Fund_Name=@Fund_Name)

    RETURN 55556


    INSERT INTO Tbl_Fund




  • this wisll work fine for the user who enters data and if he want notification this is not problem. actually I have developed multiuser applications of inventory, when store user enters new GRN in table others depart should notify that new grn has been enters. the same application is running on other departments computer. a message box or popwindow and any way to inform other user about new entry.

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