How Many Processes at the same time?

  • Hello,

    I am looking at the best way to say how many processes are running concurrently based on the trace results. I have a trace that captures login/logout/login failed events with a lot of columns including StartTime, EndTime, SPID, DBID and a lot more. I do know how to extract results from the trace into a nice table or query results. I do know how many processes for 2 particular databases I had initially when the trace started - both Existing Connections and Current Activity Window give you that. Now I have to calculate how many concurrent connections I have during monitoring period based on logins /logouts/starttime/endtime.

    I can estimate "no more than..." by counting Distinct SPID - obviously the max number of concurrent connections is no more then number of different SPIDS. I also can create a cursor (or no cursor ) with running totals that will take an initial number of connections, add one for each logon event and substruct one for each logoff event into a calculated running totals field.

    I wonder if somebody has an elegant solution for that.

    Thanks in advance,

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena

    Are you looking for the maximum number of concurrent connections during a period, or the number of concurrent connections at a specified point in time?


  • If you're looking for point-in-time, save your trace to a table called TraceTable and run this:

    declare @PointInTime datetime

    select @PointInTime = 'June 16 2006 10:55:49.890 AM'

    if @PointInTime < (select min(starttime) from TraceTable)

      or @PointInTime > (select max(endtime) from TraceTable)


      print 'Point in time specified is out of the range of the trace'




      -- Add up existing connections and logins and subtract logouts


         (select count(*) from TraceTable where EventClass = 17)

       + (select count(*) from TraceTable where EventClass = 14 and StartTime < @PointInTime)

       - (select count(*) from TraceTable where EventClass = 15 and EndTime < @PointInTime)

      as [Concurrent Connections]



  • Hi John,

    Thanks so much for your reply. This query works great for the point of time. I also do need the MAX number of connections and the current number of connections at any given point. I have to sort chronologically for that.

    I know how to do the running totals with or without the cursor, but how would you recommend to sort? I suppose the data in the actual trace are sorted on the first come-first recorded basis. But I am afraid that once I put everything into the table or temp table the sort will go away. I do need some kind of the identity or ID field. The trick here is that event 14 (login) contains the realstart time and NULL for the endtime and event 15 (logout) contains the connection start time (login time that happened long before) for the starttime and a real logout time for the endtime. So if we have to sort chronologically we have to sort as: for the event 14 take a starttime, for the event 15 take an endtime.

    I suppose I just can use CASE statement when sorting using the above logic.


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • For point-in-time, look at sysprocesses. If a series of snapshots rather than a complete audit is ok, you could just poll it every few seconds. I don't think that would necessarily slow things down any more than running your trace.

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Yelena

    To sort chronologically, use the RowNumber column.  This is incremented for each event, including logins and logouts, as they happen (at least that appears to be the case in my sample - you may wish to verify on your own data).

    For the current number of connections, you can use select @PointInTime = getdate() in the above query, or you can use sysprocesses as Tim suggests.

    The query below will give you the concurrent connections after each login/logout; from that you can easily select the maximum.

    select x.rownumber, x.eventclass,

      (select count(*) from TraceTable y

       where y.EventClass in (14, 17)

       and y.RowNumber <= x.RowNumber)

     -(select count(*) from TraceTable y

       where y.EventClass = 15

       and y.RowNumber <= x.RowNumber) as Connections

    from TraceTable x

    where x.EventClass in (14, 15, 17)

    order by RowNumber

    Hope that helps


  • John,

    Thanks! This works well!

    The only thing I did not find RowNumber column for the trace columns. Do you know the Column ID for setting up this column?

    I found EventSequence column in 2005:



    Sequence number for this event.

    but did not find anything for SQL Server 2000.

    I imported RowNumber when importing into the table. Please, tell me how do you get RowNumber in the table? Do you use Identity when importing or do you use something when recording the trace?

    I used the following before your query replacing TraceTable with ##TraceTable and dropping the table after the processing:


    IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS RowNumber,eventclass,databaseID,LoginName,SPID,StartTime,Endtime






    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena

    If you save your trace direct to a table then the RowNumber column will be there automatically for you.


  • Thanks John!

    To think about it, it is logical: if we save to file, then the rows will be ordered in the chronological order by design, but if we save directly to table, they do need the rownumber!

    thanks again,

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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