How many platforms Do You Run at Home

  • Mac: OS 9 & OS-X

    PC: WIN 95, XP-Pro, Server 2000, Server 2003

    Unix - Sun Solaris 6.2

    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • Ok,


    I have

    2 Lap Tops (XPSP2).

    include VPC Images of WXP,W2K3 Adv Srv, Professional and Win98

    1 W2k3 Server ADC, Exchange, SQL

    1 Red Hat Linux Server running Apache and Firewall Services.


    Kind Regards


    Michael Ziese




  • 2 X Desktops Running XP

    1 X Laptop Running XP

    1 X Desktop Running 2000 Pro

    1 X Desktop Running 2000 Server

    1 X UK Tivo Running whatever funny flavour of linux that Tivo's use

  • 3 Desktops running Windows XP

    1 Desktop running some Windows version I don't remember offhand

    1 PDA running Windows PocketPC

    1 Handheld running Windows CE

    1 server running Debian Linux

  • Now come on, it's never a holiday with a new-born is it

    No, not really. But it depends on how easily one lets oneself get stressed. And after two boys I'm used to a lot of stress, hectic and noise.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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