How is DDL migrated in an Availability Group?

  • I haven't been able to find the answer via Google.

    Suppose I have an Availability Group with two other replicas on two other instances. If I add a new field to a table on the primary replica, is that field automatically added at the other two replicas or do I have to do it manually? What if I add a new table to the DB? Is that propagated to the other replicas automatically?

    What about maintenance? If I rebuild an index on the primary replica is that index also rebuilt on the other replicas?


  • Yes, yes, and yes.

  • So then I should only have to set up maintenance on the primary and it will automatically be performed on the replicas too.

  • Until you have a failover. When I setup database mirroring in SQL Server 2008 at a previous employer I had to have the maintenance routines setup on both the principal and mirror systems. During a failover processes (jobs) were disabled on the failing system and enabled on the failover system.

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