How generate Dates on the fly

  • Jeff Moden (3/6/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (3/6/2009)

    Not the request I made. I know which I'd use. I want Mangal to justify to me why I should use his solution even though it is less efficient.

    Look back at the posts in this thread... CTE = Mangal.

    Nope, I sure didn't catch that as I was in a hurry to post my response and get out the door. I had a High School Girls Varsity Soccer Game to center, and didn't want to be late. Heck of a good game, and one of the girls on the home team even told me I was doing a good job. Makes me feel really good when players tell me things like that during a game. Too bad the parents on the sidelines don't hear things like that. Too bad they also lost the game 2 to 1. But, on the other the hand, for the team that won, it was thier very first Varsity Game for the school EVER and to go home with a win must have made them feel like they were in heaven.

  • CTE (3/6/2009)

    One question came, I gave 1 solution, which is not that bad, another person gives another solution, which is better, use it. Isn't that simple?

    You all should read complete stuff, not the things you to like comment.

    Are you saying all of you whenver answer to any question is always BEST and OUT OF THIS WORLD?

    Is it wrong to say that I like one particular solution?

    It is more efficient or not that's different story. I already said my query is slower than Bob's. Still all of you making me to reply 10 times after that? Did I say Bob's solution is bad? I made comment about my query, that i like this solution, may be because that something i learned on myself.

    What all of you want to achieve? You don't like my face?

    You want me to leave this forum?

    Don't try to turn it ugly.

    John Smith

  • Great, you like CTE's. Guess what, Bob's solution is also a CTE. What we are trying to get you to understand is that just because your solution works, doesn't mean it is the best. Maybe for what you use it for it works fine. the problem with your solution is that it isn't scalable.

    Change it from returning dates to just returning an integer value, and do the same with Bob's. Now see the performance difference when attempting to return, oh say 1,000,000 values. you will have to adjust Bob's a little, and if you need help doing that, let me know.

  • will you stop being so stupid?

    When the hell I said My query is BEST? stop imagining. Get life.

    Now I'll talk in the language you will understand.

    Enough of this.

    No more technical stuff now, lets talk.

    Before replying blindly and giving lectures, go and read all posts, and show me when I said my query is best? When i already said Bob's solution is better why are you dragging me into this?

    Just give me one sensible reason.

    there is limit of everything.

    John Smith

  • Oh wow, this is my thread. 😀

    Let me get in here - I don't know why all people running behind one guy? It looks like some people are settling some personal score. That chap has already accepted, but all other want his blood only. Not fare.

    You do the same thing with all people who give little less eficient solution? Man you people are scary. Some of you need to check your attitude. I already implemented Bob's Tally solution, just close it, nothing to discuss now.

    Mr. 25$ (Article authors) stay away.

  • NY153 (3/7/2009)

    Oh wow, this is my thread. 😀

    Let me get in here - I don't know why all people running behind one guy? It looks like some people are settling some personal score. That chap has already accepted, but all other want his blood only. Not fare.

    You do the same thing with all people who give little less eficient solution? Man you people are scary. Some of you need to check your attitude. I already implemented Bob's Tally solution, just close it, nothing to discuss now.

    I understand your confusion. That guy (CTE, with 2 PREVIOUS NAMES in this thread alone), has deleted all his insulting posts to make the rest of the participants look like crap, and it obviously worked.

    You are also missing a couple other insults from other active threads on this site.

    Hope this clears it out for you.

    Also the "beating up" as you might say is to avoid someone implementing the "bad" solution when it takes just as long to implement the best one known to us at this point. Please keep in mind that this thread will be live in google for the next 10-20 years so many people will be affected by this bad solution and they need to be aware of it.

    But then again, it's people who don't implement the "correct" solutions that keep us working to fix those problems. So do what you want. I'm still going to come in to fix it at 5 times your rate.

    Come to think of it, please use the crappy version, I intend to keep working at this rate for a very long time!

  • Hi,

    I followed each post on this thread immediatly after it posted. Sorry to say no post is deleted. If you are after him because uf some other issues then you are being so unprofessional and stupid at the same time.

    I think he has clarified 2-3 times that his query is not best.

    Just close this now.

    Mr. 25$ (Article authors) stay away.

  • NY, I agree with you that this has gone on long enough.

    You realized correctly that there is more going on than you have seen in this thread. Quite a few people would tell you that the "unprofessionalism" began with Mangal, aka CTE. That's why he has not been shown the patience that is typically shown to most newcomers to SSC. The deleted posts were from other threads. I will not post links to those threads, because there is no point in dragging you into it, and everyone is ready to move on.

    Mangal, I am taking time this morning to write you a calm, non-hostile explanation about everything .

    I'm trying to be very careful to keep it simple and to the point, so it may take a while. I will post it in another thread and post a link to it here when it is completed, because it is strictly my perspective about things. Others may wish to read it, and possibly disagree with it.

    NY, things may not end with simply closing this thread. But if you will unsubscribe from this thread you will not be bothered with future posts here. You're a good man to rise to the defense of an underdog.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • He may have agreed that Bob's solution was better, but he also kept trying to defend his solution as it was something he came up with. A lot of this would not have gone on had he said something more along the lines of "Oh, wow, a new method I can add to my tool set." That's not what occurred, instead he kept saying I like CTE's and his way.

    There was no apparent willingness on his side to acknowledge that the recursive method was NOT the way to do this. We wanted him to test the two solutions to see which scaled better, because just giving an answer that works isn't good enough when talking production systems. It may work fine for a while (and that could be several years) but at some point the volumn of data being processed is going to hit a tipping point and suddenly processing is taking hours instead of seconds.

  • CTE (3/7/2009)

    will you stop being so stupid?

    When the hell I said My query is BEST? stop imagining. Get life.

    Now I'll talk in the language you will understand.

    Enough of this.

    No more technical stuff now, lets talk.

    Before replying blindly and giving lectures, go and read all posts, and show me when I said my query is best? When i already said Bob's solution is better why are you dragging me into this?

    Just give me one sensible reason.

    there is limit of everything.

    Use of language like this, not necessary.

  • Closing thread.

    NY153, apologies.

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