How does getdate() and IS NOT NULL affects the query performance?

  • Hi,

    I am using IS NOT NULL and getdate() in my stored procedure. See the code snippets below and advice me the perforamnce impact becase of this?

    WHERE [Item].[AvailableForRetailTxnDateTime] <= GETDATE() AND

    GETDATE() <= (CASE WHEN [Item].[UnavailableForRetailTxnDTime] IS NULL THEN GETDATE()

    ELSE [Item].[UnavailableForRetailTxnDTime]


    AND Item.BaseNam IS NOT NULL

    Thanks in advance,



  • I would recomend you trace the script yourself with and without the "getdate" and "is not null" statements. There may be many other factors that affect the performance of a given statement than just the ones you mention.

    However if you changed the section

    GETDATE() <= (CASE WHEN [Item].[UnavailableForRetailTxnDTime] IS NULL THEN GETDATE()

    ELSE [Item].[UnavailableForRetailTxnDTime]



    GETDATE()<= ISNULL([Item].[UnavailableForRetailTxnDTime],GETDATE())

    you would do better

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