How do YOU recover system DBs after a server restore?

  • i tested the steps on a test server for restore of master, model, msdb.

    on cluster setup production i have

    Cluster administrator


    SER02 Standby

    SER03 Live

    SER03 will be rebuilt.


    So my steps are to stop SQL SERVER

    Net stop MSSQL$SER05_L2\L2

    restart in single mode

    Net start MSSQL$SER05_L2\L2 /c /m

    --restore master.bak

    SQLCMD –S SER05_L2\L2 -E -Q"restore database master from disk = '\\backups\master.bak

    ' with replace"

    Are the netstop and netstart correct i am stopping the SQL Server instance name and not the

    cluster node name.

  • been a while since I did a cluster but if you use net stop cluster will failover rather than stop, you need to stop via cluster admin by offlining SQL

    Also starting a cluster in single use mode can be a problem because the heartbeat jumps in there. There is a workaround I am sure, search on this site and google 'starting cluster in single user mode' or similar to check this out.


  • found it....see this thread


  • Oh thanks i read that .........cheers

  • I be doing this on Saturday on our cluster production so i post any problems i have for anyone else.

    Thanks everyone for guidance.

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