how do you know who is logged in from a windows group?

  • All users run the same program which authenticates with the same MSSQL 2000 user and not the Windows user.


  • How is the connection to SQL Server defined? Is it defined via an ODBC data source? Is it a connection string hardcoded in the application or via the registry? If it's the first case, it is entirely possible the ODBC data source was modified to use Windows authentication. It's really a trivial thing to do.

    As for nt_username, it's only populated if Windows authentication is used. That means that you don't have the same case. Here is the documentation on the sysprocesses table:

    MSDN: sysprocesses system table

    K. Brian Kelley

  • The connection is through the application and not through ODBC.

    I guess my questions comes down to this.

    If all users use the same program to connect to SQL Server then why do only a very few users not have the nt_username returned. Again, all users are running the same program with the same connection string.

    Thanks for your patience with this problem.


  • If the SQL Server connection string says to use Windows authentication (Integrated Authentication), but the workstations aren't in a trusted domain and there is a guest login enabled on your SQL Server, it's possible for this to happen.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • The program uses the following to connect to SQL Server:

    Server Name

    User Name (Not the Windows user name but the SQL Server user name)


    This is what is used to connect to SQL Server. The same Server name, User name and password for all users.


  • On those rows where the nt_username and loginame are both populated, are they the same?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • NO, on those rows where the nt_username and loginame are both populated, they are NOT the same?

    Each row that returns the nt_username reflects the different users.

    The loginname IS the same on all rows.


  • What network library are those connections being made with?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • TCP/IP

  • I've been trying to find a case where the nt_username and loginame are both populated and different... and I haven't seen anything consistent. One thing to check is if they are using the same version of MDAC, if the computers are on the domain, etc.

    K. Brian Kelley

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