How do you get to a hidden modal dialog box?

  • I was working on a SQL script, in SSMS, and wanted to save it. I pressed Control-S to save it, and then I don't know what happened, but the Save dialog box didn't show up. However, then I could not do anything at all with SSMS. I could not minimize it, maximize or or do anything at all with it. It sat there doing absolutely nothing at all, not allowing me to interact with it at all, etc. It was extremely frustrating! Finally, when I attempted to log off, I got a message from Windows telling me that there was a modal dialog box requiring me to interact with it. That's nice; how in heck am I supposed to respond to a modal dialog box when the stupid thing is hidden behind the thing that brought it up? As it happened I had to leave at that very moment, and had to stop it immediately, so the only thing I could think of doing was rebooting the system.

    Bottom line: how do you interact with a modal dialog box that some stupid program brings up and then hides the modal dialog box from behind itself?


  • Does using ALT+TAB to switch to another application, then back to the offending app, work?

  • paul.knibbs (8/18/2009)

    Does using ALT+TAB to switch to another application, then back to the offending app, work?

    Unfortunately, no.


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